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Hello everyone! Vote and comment to let me know if you like this! It's short but it's only the first chapter!


Aloisia POV:

"Hurry up, Aloisia!" one of my best friends, Jade, called to me.

"Don't lose your head, I'm coming!" I shout back.

Jade had planned our whole trip, and by our I mean mine, her's, Karlee's, Ruby's and Sloan's. First we're heading off to LA, SoCal to be exact. While the rest of us graduated this past year, Sloan is still in grade twelve and has to come back after two weeks. So, because SoCal is where she's dying to go, that's our first stop. After SoCal we go to Hawaii, then Ireland, then in Rome we meet up with Ruby and Jade goes to Korea for a week, after a week in Rome Ruby goes home. Lastly Australia (Karlee has been head over heels for that place, since forever). Ruby has already met her "Prince Charming" and she can't go three days without seeing him, but we got her to stay for three weeks, and boy it wasn't fun!

The wheels on my suitcase turn furiously as I literally run out of my bedroom.

"K, I'm ready." I say as I plop the suitcase into Sloan's mom's car.

I could see Sloan's mom giving her a pep talk.

"Now remember to use sunscreen, and brush your teeth, don't go to the bar and-"

"Mom, I'm with two girls that are both legally adults! I'm not going to forget sunscreen, I mean look at how white Aloisia is!" Sloan says sarcastically.

I look down at my pale skin, it has slight colour to it, but I'm pretty white.

"Not to be a bother but we should get going!" Jade says as she sweeps her shiny caramel coloured hair into a ponytail.

"Right, alright ladies in the car!"

I get into the back with Jade and Karlee, I stare at my IPhone texting both parents letting them know that we're on our way to the airport.

"So are you gonna hook up with anyone?" Jade says elbowing me.

"I don't know, if I find the right person I definitely will." I say laughing.

"But no one will ever have as great as a relationship as you Jade." I add, seeing her glow with pride.

I shut off my phone and stare out the window.

Will I meet someone?

"Yikes, I know I won't hook up with someone looking like this!" Sloan huffed.

Her naturally curly light brown hair was "straighten" and her baby hairs were going crazy.

"You look cute!" Karlee says with a smile. She has beautiful curly dark brown hair, she's whiter than me, and yes, sorta looks like Snow White. She's definitely as pretty as her.

I stare at my own hair. It's light blonde and naturally wavy, sometimes curly. I think I brush it....but nothing fancy.

"Oh my..." Mrs. Moriz says as she pulls into a huge line-up to get to the airport.

After waiting around a half hour we finally get to the drop-off, thank god Jade planned for something like this to happen.

"Okay girls, be safe, wear sunscreen-" Mrs. Moriz says waving goodbye.

"Yeah, okay, bye mom!" Sloan yells as we enter a fully packed airport. We weave through crowds and get to our check in station.

"Flight to South California now boarding." the loudspeaker announced.

We walk up to the flight attendant.

"Tickets?" she asks.

We each pass her our tickets, then find our way onto the plane. Once i find my seat I sit down and pull out my pillow, I realize it's ten at night and fall fast asleep against the window.

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