No Dumb Blonde

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Aloisia P.O.V.
I knock on Karlee's door and when she opens t I notice she's in a bathing suit.
"Going swimming?" I ask, gesturing toward the beach bag.
"Yes, I'm going to see if I can drag Jade with me." She replies, placing sunglasses on her head.
"Okay, I'm going down for a business lunch, I'll see you later." I say.
"I'll tell Jade." I say closing the door, then walking over to Jade's room.
"Hi." She says.
"I'm going for a business lunch, Karlee is taking you to the beach, have a picnic lunch there and stop moping." I say, crossing my arms.
"Ok first, I'm not moping. Second is there something that Mrs. Hodkins doesn't like that you're doing?" She says, raising an eyebrow.
"What? Uh, no. Not that I can think of." I say.
"Oh look. There she is. Bye." I reply and walk over to the elevator, exclusively for us. We'll it a public but no one knows it's here.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Sure." I reply.
As we walk in Mrs. Hodkins sees the publisher and walks over to his table.
"Where's Mr. McBlock?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"I....don't know." He replies honestly.
"Telephone for Miss. Aloisia Vinner." The waiter brings the phone over to me and I pick it up.
"Hello?" I say rolling my eyes.
"Oh, hello Miss. Vinner. You won't believe but the darnest thong happened. I walking to the restaurant and found a lost little puppy just laying on the sidewalk....I had to take her back to my place to care for her...." He says, and there's muffling on the other end of the line.
"Oh how kind of you, such a caring heart. Tell me, how is the little bitch?" I say, sounding pleased.
"Oh, fine." He replies.
"Well, I guess this means I'll have to go to a different magazine, too bad. I even brushed my beautiful blonde hair for this. Well, good luck with that." I say and hear him trying to talk, but I hang up before I can make out anything he's saying.
"This was fun, but I'm afraid someone else will have to take my cover story." I say to the magazine publisher.
"Wait, let me see what I can do, I'm a close friend to Mr. McBlock." He says then stands.
"You can try." I reply.
No one's P.O.V
"Where is he?" The magazine publisher, Mr. Farland says.
"His helicopter just landed on the roof." Says his secretary.
Suddenly a man in a tux with sunglasses emerges through the door.
"You're fired." Mr. Farland shouts.
"No I'm not." Colin replies, walking to his office, and closing the door.
"You missed the lunch. Her book is top of online sales!" Mr. Farland says as Colin changes in his bathroom in his office.
Colin walks out in nothing but a towel and points a finger at him.
"You didn't mention she was a blonde." He says.
Suddenly they realize his secretary standing in the doorway.
"Do you work for me?" Colin is smiling charmingly as he asks the flaming red head.
She swoons and smiles.
"Please wait until we're done."
Mr. Farland says and closes the office door, then turns back to Colin.
"Hey!" Colin complains.
The door opens again and they both turn, Mr. Farland quicker than Colin.
"I thought I told you to wait - Miss. Vinner?"
"Who?" Colin said turning around, Aloisia stood with her arms crossed.
Aloisia P.O.V
As he turns around I finally see his face. His bright intriguing blue eyes scan me. His hair is slicked perfectly in an old school look. He smiles, a very white and flashy smile.
"Well hello." He says.
"Mr. McBlock, would you care to put pants and a shirt on?" I ask raising my eyebrow.
He looks down at his towel and smirks. Then walks back to his bathroom and closes the door.
"Miss. Vinner I -"
"I don't want to hear it. I just want my cover story written and if Mr McBlock can't handle that -"
"Can't handle it? Don't make me laugh." He says stepping out in dark suit pants and a white collared shirt.
"I don't know, you couldn't even make lunch - "
"I told out what happened!" He said, obviously confused because all girls naturally fall for him and believe everything that he says.
"You listen to me, I may have blonde hair but I am no idiot." I say walking to the door.
"It's was nice talking to you." I say before I walk out.
As I walk out everyone is staring at me and Mrs. Hodkins is waiting at the entrance for me.
"Well done!" She says impressed.
"I told you I'm no dumb blonde." I say as we link arms and walk out.
Colin McBlock P.O.V
I look at my closet friend, Mr Farland. He's nearly laughing.
"Just when you thought all girls would do anything for you..." He says laughing.
"I think you've met your match." He says pointing at me.
"No. I haven't. I'll write the best cover story, give me a good holiday and I'll do it." I say surely.
"I'll show you. I'll make her fall in love with me. Watch me."
"I don't think she's one of your many girlfriends that falls in love in bed." He says.
"I'll do it without that." I say.
"I'm not letting this blonde get away."
Aloisia P.O.V
Karlee and Jade haven't gotten back from the beach yet. Mrs Hodkins leaves me in my room and goes home. I smile at myself.
"Well played." I say to myself.
I quickly change into a bathing suit and a cover up. Then I pack a beach bag and place my heart - shaped sunglasses on my face and walk put of my room.
When I arrive at the beach I search the beautiful white sand for the girls and finally see Karlee in the water. I walk over and see Jade laying on a towel sun tanning. It looks like she's asleep.
"Don't burn!" I shout.
"Jesus!" She says turning over.
I laugh and sit beside her.
"So how'd it go?"
"With..." I say hoping she won't bring it up.
"The guy and the thingy." She says raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, he's an idiot." I reply.
"And he's hot isn't he?"
"You can barly tell, he's always got his face in a girl's!" I say, taking my cover up off.
"Oh." She says, standing.
"Race ya." She sprints forward and I follow.
Getting Mr. McBlock off my mind.

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