✰ - chapter one - ✰

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(Btw I got the inspiration for this book from my friend Lani❤️)

-Keith's POV-

I was in bed watching edits of bill, tom, george, and gustav since my whole tiktok page is just them.

Well mostly tom and bill-

I decided to call my best friend lee since I need studying this math test that's coming up.

Yes I'm 18 still in school we don't talk about it..

-hey lee can you come over and help me study for this stupid math test coming up-

-ugh, seriously keith? Alright I'll be there in 10 minutes then.-

-thanks so much, love you bro-

-yeah yeah,love you too-

After we hung up the phone I decided to get dressed since I was still in my pjs, I decided to wear a black tank top that was also a crop top, it had two skulls on each tit.

I wore some black baggy pants with a white belt with some black socks that had skulls on them as well.

I brushed my hair and left it down since well why not?

- ✰ -

After waiting for 20 minutes straight lee finally arrived but with a unexpected guest, "hey keith!"

"Hey what's up?" I greeted lee and looked behind her, it was her boyfriend ugh- I hated him so much he was such a bitch to me and lee. I don't know what lee finds attractive about him but as long as he doesn't hurt her I have no problem with him.

I just quickly smiled at him an moved along I don't care about him. (His name is sam btw)

"Alright follow me upstairs!" I said to lee, "alright come Sam!"

I frowned but didn't say anything.

Once we go upstairs we entered my room, I had a bunch of posters of different kinds of bands but I mostly had pictures of bill kaulitz and some magazines of him and his twin brother.

I sat on the bed watching Sam explore my room, then I turned towards lee and she was opening her little backpack she had brought.

"Oh shoot, keith can I blow dry my hair quickly I thought I grabbed mine but I didn't"

"Sure go ahead my bathroom is in the hallway-"

"Don't worry I remember" she smirked and went outside towards the bathroom, I smiled. I grabbed my phone well tried to but when I tried to reach it, it wasn't there on top of my bed where I left it.

Then I looked at Sam, he had my fucking phone. He had the audacity to put his nasty digits on MY phone?!
Oh fuck no.

I quickly snatched it aggressively, "excuse me?!" I said giving him a "😒" look.

"Sorry I was just, looking through something real quick.." he said smirking I was confused on what he meant I was looking at edits of bill and the other members of tokio hotel.

Wait he was going through my gallery?!

"What the fuck is wrong with you!"

"Woah~ why you so pressed about it sweetie?" when he said that it got on my nerves.

"I don't know maybe because you we're looking at my fucking NUDES you pervert!"

"Why do you even have-" I gave him the biggest slap ever, "maybe you should mind your own business you fucking pervert." I said holding my phone tight.

He kept quiet and didn't speak.

- ✰ - half a hour later - ✰ -

It was really awkward between me and Sam since what happened almost a hour ago.

But I tried to ignore him all day so me and lee could just hang out like we use to before he came in the fucking picture.

- ✰ -

"Well hoped you learned something keith you're such a dumbass"lee laughed too which I laughed with her and Sam just starring like the idiot he is, "I can walk with you since I wanna get out this house" I offered

"Sure, we can have a sleep over!" she said smiling

I nodded

"Yeah! Like old times!" I said excitedly, me and lee, and of course Sam..went to her house.

As we we're about to cross the street I was distracted talking to lee and didn't see the incoming truck.

I looked forward same as lee and we stood there in shock not knowing what to do. We we're about to die..

Well until I felt someone push me and lee outta the way-

(To be continued..)

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now