✰ - chapter four - ✰

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(Short chapter)

>Keith POV<

After we ate and talked for awhile bill told us it was time to go and he'll have to call his friend to pick up the rest of you since we don't all fit in his car.

"It's fine I can carry lee on my lap so there's more room" sam say's which made lee blush super bad.

"I don't mind that it's just we have to stop by somewhere real quick but we'll see I guess" bill said and we prepared to leave.

We all went outside and since Bill's car is pretty small it only fits up to like 4 people so obviously lee had to sit on Sam's lap.

We all got in and tom let me sit in the front next to bill while he say in the back next to the couple, I felt so bad for him (rip tom kaulitz 😔)

The whole ride was really awkward well for tom an the back but me and bill sorta talked not much tho since he had to focus on the road if we didn't wanna crash-

- ✰ 20 minutes later ✰ -

We arrived at the desensitization, bill told us to run inside since well you know paparazzi but I acted confused which he noticed and told me he'll explain it later and I nodded and we all ran inside the hotel.

After getting his room key he made a quick phone call to who I assume his friends we're and he was talking in German so I couldn't really understand him a lot.

As we we're walking towards the rooms bill started a mini conversation with me, "so, sorry if this is a weird question but how old are you?" he asked which I giggled a little but answered

"I'm eight teen, what about you?"

"Oh, we're the same age!" he said a little too excited and he noticed, so he caughed it off. I laughed but tried to hold it in.

He noticed and smiled

I heard some snickering behind me, it was probably lee and tom, and probably sam too teasing bill and I.

We arrived at Bill's and Tom's room and we saw two guys and I'm pretty sure they we're george and gustav, once we got closer I was correct it was them.

Bill introduced all of us to them so we wouldn't be strangers to them

"Hope you guys don't mind but sam is ganna stay with you guys" bill said

"I said it was fine, plus it's good we have more company. No offense george" I let out a giggle as well as lee.

We all went into the rooms and got situated.

"Hey kei I'm ganna help sam ok?" I nodded and she left to go help him, even tho I was being kinda nice to him doesn't mean I like him dating lee. There something about him that just fucking tics me off.

But anyway, after folding all the clothes tom got me into a mini corner of the room, tom came up to me

"If you want we can go get the rest of the supplies tomorrow since me, bill, george, and gustav have somewhere to be in 30 minutes?" I nodded

"Yeah that's fine, waiting a day doesn't hurt"I said

Before I went back to what I was doing tom stopped me really quick.

"Also can I ask you sometimes?"  I was confused but nodded a 'yes'

"I know this is weird to ask but how old is lee? She's eight teen right?" he asked and I answered yeah but she's turning nine teen in two an a half months

"Why?" I said" oh nothing I was just curious" he said but once he turned around I saw a mini smirk on his face which I definitely knew what he's implying.

'Looks like someone's ganna take yo girl sam~' I smiled to myself knowing that but who knows lee is madly in live with sam so she might just ignore tom but we'll have to wait an see I guess.

Gosh this whole love shit is giving my dumbass a headache-

(To be continued..)

Short chapter sorry😭
But I updated three times today since I probably won't update tomorrow or the day after

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