✰ - chapter nine - ✰

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>Keith's POV<

I felt a gentle hand shake me softly

"Hey, kei wake up its 7:09" I heard Bill's voice say, "so early?" I said still sounding sleepy, "yeah unfortunately, I would've let you sleep in if I could but you need to come with us to get a new hotel." he said looking into my eyes

"Alright then.." I said still half asleep, I yawned and stretched, "sleeping beauty finally awake?" said tom, "haha very funny tom-" I said giving him the middle finger.

"Someone's in a bad mood today~" he continued teasing me which got on my nerves but he's hot so it's ok but it didn't stop me from giving him another middle finger without turning around.

He laughed as I entered the bathroom and washed myself with whipes since the bus didn't have a shower in it, I changed into my clothes which I actually love for some reason.



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(I couldn't find any cute shoes on google so we're just going with the classics💀)

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(I couldn't find any cute shoes on google so we're just going with the classics💀)

After I got out the bathroom and went to my bag and put on some deodorant and some nice perfume that spelled like blossoms, well it spelled more like cotton candy but oh well.

As the guys got ready me and lee decided to do each other's hair since why not.

She did mines natural since she knows I hate doing to much on my hair so she went for a natural look.


What I did for lee I kinda did a cute look cause I know she's having some issues with her so called "boyfriend" so I did the hair style she alwayed loved

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What I did for lee I kinda did a cute look cause I know she's having some issues with her so called "boyfriend" so I did the hair style she alwayed loved.


We looked in the mirrors lee had and honestly I loved my hair style lee did it gives a natural look nothing to "WOW" or "WOAH" just, regular

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We looked in the mirrors lee had and honestly I loved my hair style lee did it gives a natural look nothing to "WOW" or "WOAH" just, regular.

Lee looked really happy with hers and she looked even more happier that I remembered her favorite hair style that she use to do a lot.

Once all the boys we're done doing their business in the bathroom and shit like that, we all prepared our stuff and headed off to look for a new hotel which thankfully didn't take to long. Probably half a hour thank gods, we all sighed in and got our own rooms me and lee decided to share since we hadn't had enough girl time or to catch up on everything that's happening.

Shared rooms:

Room 101 - lee & keith
Room 102 - Sam, gustav, and georg since the bedroom they got had a bunk bed and another bed besides the bunk bed.
Room 104 - tom & bill

Once everyone got settled into their own rooms Sam, gustav and georg decided to out to eat and also bring us some food which I thanked them for.

I took a shower and put on the same clothes on since they weren't dirty at all, lee did the same and showered  but placed the same clothes on since again they we're still clean.

"So wanna talk about what the fuck happened back at the hotel?" lee asked me, "I don't know. I wish I did tho" I signed to myself wondering who the hell was banging the fuck outta those doors and who it was.

I sat on the bed thinking hard who it could have been. I mean before I magically got here I did hear rumors about tokio hotel having a stalker named grace but who knows it could've been literally anyone.

"Hey, lee you think the one banging on the doors was the stalker grace?" I asked stupidly thinking lee knew about it.

"Huh? Who's that-"she said dumbfounded.

"Oh, before we came here I heard rumors about tokio hotel having a stalker named grace. You think it could've been her?"

"Maybe..i don't know we shouldn't assume any-"

"We don't, bill looked at who it was and tom as well but I didn't have the courage to ask bill mostly because he looked stressed and frustrated so I didn't ask."I spoke

"I did ask tom who it was but he said that it was nobody to concern myself with."

"We could ask them later once their more relaxed." I said

"Yeah that's probably the best idea right now, wanna check on them?" lee said

"Yeah, their room is 104 right?"

"Yeah pretty sure."

"Alright let's go check on them real quick then"

"Alright, let me just find my shoe's really quick" lee said while crouching to look under the bed, "alright hurry up you worm-" I said she looked at me offended but continued looking for her shoes.

"Found em!" she said as she placed them on quickly, "Ok cmon you bitchy snail"

"Hey, your the bitch not me" she said proudly, "well I'm the hottest one at least" I smirked and ran out the door towards Bill's and Tom's room. I heard her fake gasp and she ran after me, I laughed and continued running towards their room.


(To be continued..)

Sorry I definitely didn't mean to pull a cory on y'all LMFAO 😘

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