✰ - chapter three - ✰

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>keith POV<

After waiting patiently for bill, bill told us that we could stay with them at the hotel but one of us would have to stay with two of their friends since not all of us could fit in the same room.

Plus he talked to his "boss" and they said it was fine but bill said something about a trip, I don't know I wasn't really paying much attention. I was too busy admiring his features on his face, I noticed he didn't have any make-up on too (the pic up top)

Bill then told us to get ready since they need to leave to go to we're their staying at the moment.

I nodded understanding an I told them I would shower and wake up lee afterwards to shower, I also thanked them and gave them a hug for letting me stay with them in the meantime. You had no idea how excited I was I feel like my heart was ganna pop out at anytime.

I quickly stripped my clothes off and turned the shower on, I made sure the water wasn't too hot or cold, I went inside and started to clean off.

"Crap, I need something to clean myself with-" I felt super embarrassed knowing I'm ganna have to tell bill so I quickly hoped out and put on a towel.

I slowly opened the door and I didn't dare and peak but whisper yelled Bill's name.

I heard him coming and spoke from the other side of the door.

"What's up?" he said

"Uhm, do u have something I could clean my body with?" (btw i don't know what it's called in English- but it's kind of like a sponge😭)

"Uhm, pretty sure there's one inside that cabinet under the sink?" he said which I looked but I couldn't see it-

"It's not here"I said still embarrassed that this is happening to me out of all people.

"Well..uhh, hope u don't mind but may I come in?" I said yes but I made sure to wrap the towel around myself very tightly.

He came in and tried not to look at me, he looked in the shower and the cabinet.

He talked to Sam to ask which "thing" he used to clean himself and he said he used a green one and placed it in the cabinet in the mirror (which who does that- but sorry if you do😔)

Bill opened it and since he didn't want me to use the same one he said just to use his spare one since the green one was used.

I nodded, and he smiled after taking a quick glance at me and left quickly so I can resume my shower. He closed the door and I signed of relief..

I took off the towel and went inside the shower again and used the "thing" to clean off my body.

- ✰ 10 minutes later ✰ -

I stepped out an dried off, I put on my old clothes since I didn't have knew one's but I'm sure with the little money I have I could buy something.

I made sure not to leave a mess before I left the bathroom, I stepped out with my hair all wet and tangled.

I saw that sam and tom weren't in the room anymore and bill was talking to lee, I felt relaxed after that shower I won't even lie.

I went up to bill and lee

"Sorry am I interrupting?" I said hoping I wasn't.

"Oh no your fine!" said bill, he stands up and handed me a brush to brush my tangled hair.

"Thanks bill, really" I said giving him a '😊' kinda face.

"No worries, how you feeling by the way? You fell pretty hard?" he asked while I brushed my hair

"I feel better after that shower"I said smiling, he smirked and looked down and back up to me.

He turned around to face lee, "you can shower and there should be towels as soon as you enter" he said and she smiled and since Lee's ankle was I assumed sprained he helped her to the bathroom and so did I.

"You need anymore help?" I asked lee

"No I got it, if I do I'll yell for you"I smiled and nodded and she closed the door.

I finished untangling my hair and once I was finished I sat by bill who was looking at a magazine.

"Where did Sam and tom go?" I asked curiously

"They went to buy some clothes for you, and lee" he answered

"Oh ok"I answered back

We sat in awkwardness, I felt weird and I also felt bad that he was doing a lot for us.

"Hey bill?" he looked towards me placing his magazine in his lap

"Thank you, I appreciate what you're doing for us"I smiled while looking at him

He smiled

"It's no shit really, I just felt bad you know?" we just smiled at each other, we spent some time talking about what we like and to get to know each other.

I learned a lot from him honestly, I mean we have a lot in common. We have similar style, similar likes and dislikes. Plus we have similar humor/he is funny as fuck I wont even lie.

After a few minutes of talking lee came out from the shower, wearing the same clothes (obviously)

"You guys weren't flirting right~?" she teases

I gave her a 'are you fucking serious?' face and bill noticed and laughed, I took offense "wow your laughing at me.."I say dramatically crossing my arms pretending to give him attitude

He fake gasps "I would never!" he says

"Oh my gosh, if you're ganna flirt then get a room I don't wanna see that-" lee says pretending to be annoyed but in reality she's teasing me knowing I have a huge crush on bill.

Bill laughs it off as a joke

- ✰ 1 hour later ✰ -

After a hour of chatting and laughing and "flirting" tom and Sam finally come back with clothes and food.

"We're back!" yells tom

"Finally, damn" bill said

"Sorry to keep the lady's waiting" tom said

I blushed but not a lot

Tom handed me a outfit hoping I would like it, since he saw I had a similar style to bill he hoped that I liked what he picked, and sam picked Lee's clothes since well it's his girlfriend.

I went inside the bathroom and changed quickly into the outfit and honestly I fell in love with it I won't lie.

I came out for lee and sam to go in and honestly my mind was still processing that they went in together.

Tom smirked when they went in together and then looked at me which I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Hey, keith is it alright that I call you kei?" asked Tom

"Yeah, I don't give a shit"I answered which he smirked again, "ok good just making sure, you heard that bill?" he said in his german accent. I looked behind me and I caught bill starring and he quickly looked away.

I looked back at tom and he shrugged his shoulders and went off to do whatever, I smiled to myself.

Gosh I need to calm my slutty ass down-

(To be continued..)

1228 words 😭 that's 2000+ words in one day I typed today 😋

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