✰ - chapter ten - ✰

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🥀Bill honestly ate this photo UP🥀

>Keith's POV<

Once we got too Bill's and Tom's room, I knocked on the door "it's me and lee!" I said hoping they would open the door In which they did, Or should I say tom did.

Tom let us in and they looked like they we're almost done unpacking their stuff, it was pretty messy but not as bad as I thought.

I noticed bill wasn't anywhere to be seen so I asked tom where he was, "oh he's fixing his makeup in the bathroom" I nodded going towards the bathroom.

I knocked on it gently

"Go away tom! I'm busy!" he said I giggled

"Too busy for your girlfriend as well I suppose?" I said teasingly, he opened the door "well not you, come in!" he said happily. He closed the door once I entered.

I say on the counter of the bathroom it was pretty big, it was big enough for at least two people which was good to be honest because we have similar bedrooms so that means our bathroom is big enough as well.

We stayed in silent, it was awkward but also comfortable silence.

But either way I didn't like it so I broke it.

"Bill, can I ask you something?" I spoke looking off somewhere else besides him.

"Listen if it's about what happened back at the hotel, let's just move on. Please.."he said stopping his eyeliner.

I didn't wanna push it behind us but I guess I'll have to do my own research later about it, I didn't wanna make him uncomfortable about it.

I could tell the atmosphere changed as soon as I spoke about that subject, I decided to be a little flirty since we haven't been romantic to each other for awhile now.

Once he finished his eyeliner I moved a little closer

"Wait come here, you messed up bit here"I said

"Oh I did?" he answered, I giggled he moved to where him was between my legs. I grabbed the eyeliner and started to fix where he messed up.

After a couple minutes I looked at how I did and it looked like he didn't even mess up in the first place.

"There!" I said and grabbed the little mirror he was using and showed him.

He smiled, "ok I actually love it more, your doing my makeup from now on"he said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically but smiled afterwards

I placed the mirror down and as soon as I did bill gave me a hug.

"Sorry for being upset at you back at the hotel, I was just stressed.." he said sounding guilty.

I hugged him back, "it's ok. You we're stressed but let's not talk about since you don't feel comfortable about the topic. We can talk about it another day." I said which made bill to lift his head up a bit to kiss my cheek. I blushed a little and smiled

Bill started to laugh a bit, "what's so funny"I said confused but smiling because of his cute little laugh, "I don't know this moment kinda reminds me of something." he said smirking

I took a minute to think.

I made a shock face once I realized what he met by 'this reminds me of something'

"I mean..wanna recreate that?" I said nervously since the only times we've actually made out was that one time we we're drunk.

He didn't reply but just looked in my eyes.

He started to lean in closer and I copied his action, we kept leaning towards each until we finally our lips met.

Our lips moved in sync like it was a lullaby.

He was so gentle while kissing me, he slowly moved his hand up my thigh to slowly squeeze it. He did the same thing with his other hand which made me moan a bit.

We separated to catch our breath, I placed my hands on his chest while he started to kiss me again but this time it was a bit more aggressive but still gentle.

He was moving his hands towards my chest and once he was about to move it upwards we heard a knock at the bathroom door which startled the both of us and made us separate from the kiss.

"Stop making out and come with us to shop for bathing suits! There's a pool at this hotel!" Tom yelled behind the door and I rolled my eyes.

"Moment ruined I guess"I said smirking.

"Yup, what a bummer" he said giving me a quick peck afterwards. I probably was blushing since I felt my cheeks heat up.

I got down from the counter and bill grabbed my hand, "what about your makeup?" I said, "eh. I'll pick it up later."he said then opened the door and left the bathroom.

"Y'all enjoyed your make out session?" said Lee crossing her arms, "we weren't even making out-" I said lying which was obvious.

"One, your a bad liar. Two I literally heard your moan so cut the shit"she said while laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut up I did not moan that loud-"I said

"So you did make out?" Tom replied

"I- uh- shut the fuck up." I said and bill just laughed at the situation. "Alright are we going or not?" said bill

"Yeah yeah, let's go" Tom said grabbing the keys and with that we all left.

(To be continued..)

So..lets not talk about how I haven't updated in a month or so.. 😍💔

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