✰ - chapter five - ✰

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(Super short)

>Keith's POV<

It's been at least a whole month living with the twins and even an a whole month a lot has happened, like tom and lee getting closer and sam and lee fading further but I think it's mostly because tom likes to flirt with lee a lot in front of sam.

Pretty sure lee and sam broke up after a little while since they kept fighting but they still talk and sometimes sam would flirt with her but that's not what bothered me, what bothered me is that he would flirt with me while lee was in the same room he'll even try and slap my ass but I would always move at the right time for him not to end up hitting it. And of course bill noticed so sometimes with my permission he would stand behind me and grab my waist but that would only happen if sam was in the same room.

And of course tom and sam even with them fighting over a women they still acted like buddy buddy's it was weird but I mean they got along and plus it's not my business so they do what they want.

But anyways I've become close friends with george and gustav after bill told me they we're famous I felt kinda bad that bill and tom always got attention and george and gustav barely got any, so I decided to become close friends with them since there's no harm in that right?

Sometimes bill will get jealous and it would be so funny when he did I even took a picture or two of him pouting while I hung out with george and gustav but of course I would hangout with him as well, we'd sometimes have moments we're we just cuddle up but it has only happened once and it was when me and lee we're fighting. I don't even remember what we fought about but bill decided to cuddle me in his bed since we we're alone.

He was honestly so sweet, funny, pretty, and definitely had humor I really liked his personality a lot and to put it on top of that he's fine as fuck, we even have the same music taste usually people hate the music I like. Even lee who's been my friend for years, I really enjoyed the amount of time we hung out even if it was for a split second.

I hope it goes smoothly but we all know it won't, but I guess I'll enjoy the peace and quiet for now until something comes up.

(To be continued..)

This wasn't really a chapter but like a catch up kinda chapter but hope you still enjoyed it!

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now