✰ - Chapter twelve - ✰

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Soo.. I'm back 🤭💪

(Keith's POV)

I had to go to the store really quick to get sunscreen since when I gave a call to bill an tom they said that they didn't have any, lee gave me some cash since I was broke asf (don't ask where they got the money from🤭)

Once I went back inside the store we we're at earlier, I immediately saw where the sunscreen was.

I grabbed two because they we're pretty cheap.

As I was about to pay I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned around and it was a girl around my age she had dark red hair almost look like black. She had green hazel eyes with a couple freckles visible on her face, honestly she was really pretty.

"Can I help you?" I said confused, "sorry I just wanted to ask you a question?"

I nodded a 'yes'

"Do you by a chance know someone called Bill kaulitz?" as soon as she said that my eyes widen an I'm pretty sure she noticed but I tried lying anyways.

"Uh, sorry I don't..." I lied and she definitely noticed.

"Please, Don't lie to me." she said narrowing her eyebrows, "ok fine. I do but why do you need to know?" I said a bit rudely since I was getting a bit pissed off, I just wanted to buy sunscreen to go to the pool with my friends.

"Sorry I should introduce myself, I'm Alice robeck. I'm looking for him because me and him use to work together on music." she said while having this smirk on her face.

"Uhm, I'm kinda busy at the moment I'm going to a pool with a couple of friends so I don't know what he's doing at the moment. Sorry-" I said trying to sound as believable as possible.

"Ah- ok sorry for the bother then, what's your name by the way?"

"Oh, my names kei" I used my nickname cause I didn't fully trust this person at all, yeah she's beautiful but sometimes Beauty can deceive someone's actual personality.

We waved each other bye and I quickly paid the sunscreen and left, I spend walked to the hotel and went straight to my room.

I slammed the door quietly but loud enough to alarm that people in the room I didn't notice we're there.

"Damn, why slam the poor door?" I heard Sam's voice.

"Damn, who invited you to the party"I said as he rolled his eyes, "kei you ok?" asked georg "yeah I'm good." I lied I still had that women in my mind but I tried to forget about it since I didn't wanna spoil the fun day.

"What took you guys so long tho?" I asked gustav and georg since sam was changing, "we went to this store to grab some food and since I called bill and he let us know you guys we're heading to the pool we also went to go get some swim trunks but on the way to the store there was traffic, same with the way back to the hotel."

"Ah, that makes sense well at least you guys are here now"I said smiling, he smiled back.

I noticed they we're all in there swimwear besides me, "hey, where's bill an tom?" I ask curious. There at there room changing, they actually left 10 minutes ago."said gustav

I nodded.

(After Sam's done changing)

"Damn, took you long enough" I said, he just rolled his eyes and went over to lee who was oddly quiet.

I grew suspicious but I decided to ask him about it after I change since I didn't wanna be the only one that wasn't changed into there swimwear.

- 5 minutes later -

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now