✰ - chapter six - ✰

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(Sorry for not updating 😭)

>Keith's POV<

I heard a alarm go off which was normal, I pretty much got use to that alarm since tom and bill had to get up early for there concert.

(I'd usually sleep in Tom's room but since he's started bringing girls in his room so I moved to bills room.)

I groaned not wanting to get up early but got up and I was expecting too be on the mini coach bill had in his room but I was on Bill's bed.

I looked around and noticed bill on the coach, I felt bad that I took over his bed. I mean we both fitted perfectly so, I'm not sure why he didn't sleep next to me?

He looked like he was about to get up either way because of the alarm.

He got up and stretched, he noticed me awake and smiled. I smiled back

"Morning kei" he said

"Morning, bill why didn't you sleep on your bed?" I asked curious, "oh you fell asleep after last nights party.."he said looking nervous for some reason.

"Party..??" did I go to a party last night? I don't even remember, what the fuck-?

"Yeah you we're so drunk that u did some stuff but don't worry it wasn't anything serious" bill said

"Oh..what did I do?"

"Uh, we should shower first. I'll tell u afterwards.." he said getting up from the bed, I noticed he didn't have a shirt on which was ho- wait what.

I never really drank a lot before, maybe a cup or two but never like a whole bottle. That's probably why I barely remember anything from last night.

꙳˚˙✮ two hours later✮˙˚꙳

After me and bill took a shower, brushed our hair and did all of that we went out for breakfast and came back after a good breakfast.

As long as I took off my shoes I asked bill if he had a concert today.

"Yeah I do but it doesn't start until 8:00 at night so we basically had all afternoon and morning to spend together which I obviously didn't mind.

"Where are the others?" I asked

"Not sure I'll give them a quick call if u want?"

"No, no it's alright."


There was a awkward silence so I decided to break it by asking what happened last night.

"Bill what happened last night, please tell me the truth. "He sighed and sat on the coach which I sat next to him.

"Ok so.."


"Shit shit shit!" I screamed knowing that I lost my phone," cmon kei, what's taking you so long?" lee said

"I lost my phone!"I shouted.

"What?! What the fuck keith!"

"Shut up and help me!"

"Kei we're ganna be late for the party!"

"Just help me you dip shit!" lee groaned in annoyance but helped me anyways, then Sam came in wondering why it's taking us so long.

"Bro, hurry up the guys are waiting outside." Sam said

"Can u tell them to give us a couple minutes I lost my fucking phone-" I said searching like a maniac.

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now