✰ - chapter seven - ✰

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>Keith's POV<

I fell asleep on Bill's shoulder without realizing it, he woke me up tho.

"Hey, we're here"he said shaking me a bit to get me awake for the party, "oh ok!" I said excitedly I haven't been to a party for a long time, before I got up I noticed Bill's hand on my thigh but he removed it quickly I pretended I didn't see it since I didn't wanna start an awkward conversation but secretly I loved it how he placed it there.

We all exited the bus me and bill being last of course.

"Finally here!" Tom shouts, before tom runs inside bill grabs his arm.

"Tom, let me say something real quick to all of you actually." said bill. We we're all listening

" the 'boss' said NO girls/guys brought back on the bus unless u have ur own car to bring them back to the hotel. Especially you. Tom.."bill said playing his hands on his hips which tom just shrugs

"No promises~" he laughs and went towards the building, everyone followed.

I grabbed Bill's hand

"Cmon let's just have fun"I said smiling and he smiled back.

Once we entered the party the first thing I saw was lights flashing from different colors and a LOT of people, I saw lee dancing with sam and george. Gustav was at the bar chatting with a girl, tom was dancing with two females one dancing in front of him while the other next to him all up in his face.

Bill takes me towards the bar and we sit and chat while drinking a bit, that's when my favorite song comes on.

"Oh! This is my favorite song cmon bill dance with me!" I begged and at first he didn't want to but he eventually gave in and we went towards the dance floor with our drinks in hand.

꙳˙˚✮10 minutes past✮˚˙꙳

I felt so dizzy I could barely see anything, for one second I'm dancing with bill and another I'm drunk as fuck.

From what I do notice tho I was still dancing with bill but he also seemed out of it plus his hands we're on my hips.

(✮Narrator's perspective✮)

Bill had his hands on Keith's hips while they we're making out. They we're so drunk to the point they didn't care about anything or anyone.

Soon keith grabbed Bill's hand and led him to the bathroom, once she found we're the bathrooms we're she went inside and insisted that bill came inside once he did bill shut the door behind him.

Keith started kissing him sloppily and he didn't decline it he started kissing her back.

He placed his hands on her hips as he squeezed her tightly and brought her closer to him.

He tried slipping his hand under her shirt but keith stopped him, "n-not yet.."she said nervously and he nodded and they kept kissing and soon it turned into a French kiss.

(Long story short y'all made out in the bathroom for 3 hours crazy right?)

Once you two felt comfortable enough to leave the bathroom you both did. You looked at bill and smiled and he smiled back.

"Keith.."suddenly bill grabs both of Keith's hands which makes her confused, "can I tell you something?"

Keith nodded

"Yeah, what is it?" you said slurring your words a bit since you we're still hella drunk.

"I-..i love you."he said not darring to look Keith in the eyes at the moment, she paused.

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now