✰ - chapter eight - ✰

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>keith POV<

It was another night and bill was fast asleep in his bed I looked at his sleeping figure, 'I wonder what my grandma and grandpa are doing now..' I thought as I slowly started to miss them. I mean they we're barely in my life but we still had our moments when they were in my life..

Even tho I missed my family I also didn't wanna leave them, they've treated me so well and they act like they've known me for years when reality they have only known me for a couple months.

I smiled at Bill's sleeping figure and noticed he was shirtless, 'dang he's already super comfortable with me he'll leave his shirt off' I giggled I checked the clock next to his bed it was 1:03 it was super late.

I should probably go to bed, after using the bathroom of course. I got up quickly and used the restroom.

After emptying my Blatter, I washed my hands but as soon as I was finished I heard banging at the door. Which startled me, of course I immediately went out of the bathroom and bill was still asleep but he looked uneasy like he was about to wake up.

Then there was another bang at the door which caused bill to wake up quickly thinking probably something happened.

I quickly went over to bill, "bill someone is banging at the door!" I whispered quietly he nodded and went towards the door.

The banging continued and it wasn't regular banging like this person was banging so hard the door looked like it was ganna fucking break-

Thankfully our door had a peep hole so bill could peek.

He cursed under his breath.

He turned around and sped walked towards me, "keith get ur things and start packing. We're leaving.." he said panicking which made me scared but I listened and started packing my stuff.

After a hour an a half the banging finally stopped half way through packing, then we started to hear banging again but it wasn't our door this time. It was probably george and gustav room that's where Tom is as well. (Sam and lee got their own room thanks to gustav💕)

Me and bill continued packing our stuff.

Then we heard Tom's voice in the hallway.

I couldn't tell what he was saying because he was yelling in German to whoever that maniac was.

After I packed the last thing bill put on a short and placed he shoes on and so did i.

"Bill, what's going on who is that?!" I said still panicking, bill looked so stressed and he looked annoyed. I felt bad I didn't wanna get him more annoyed so I just stopped talking and grabbed the bags.

Bill noticed I was a little stressed and was about to talk to me but tom entered.

"Hey you guys alright?" Tom asked.

"Yeah.." I answered

Tom noticed the big bags and suitcases in my hands and bills.

"Cmon we're leaving in 30 minutes I already called the boss so he'll come by soon to pick us up, also I'd recommend to change into ur pj's since we're ganna have to sleep in the bus tonight and look for a different hotel in the morning." Tom said and closed the door.

✰20 minutes later✰

The bus got here earlier then expected so we all put our stuff in the back and our smaller ones above us in the little cupboard above the seats.

George and gustav sat next to each other in the middle, sam was suppose to sit with lee but lee sat next to tom instead. 'They probably got into another argument-' I thought.

I ended up sitting next to bill in the back and everyone was in there pj's besides lee which she went to go change obviously.

Once she came out I changed and then bill changed.

I had some fluffy pants and a black tank top with
"Sleepy bitch" on the front of it, And it was right I am one sleepy ass bitch right now.

I sat back next to bill once he slipped in before me, we say an awkwardness because of what happened back there at the hotel..

I noticed bill looking at me, he then leaned into my ear.

"Sorry for earlier, I was just pissed.." he whispered which still gave me goosebumps, I looked at him and grabbed his hand tightly.

"It's ok, just promise me you'll explain everything later."I said smiling, he nodded a 'yes' and smiled.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips so nobody else would notice, I placed my head on his shoulder and he placed he head on mine still holding onto my hand tightly.

I started to shut my eyes close..


Fell asleep..💤

(To be continued..)


I'll try and update more often now since I feel better :>

✰-Naughty little 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓻-✰Where stories live. Discover now