Chapter Eight: The Plan

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****Trigger Warning selh harm****

The next morning, Aiden was sitting where she and Peter had been waiting for their rides the previous day; her hair was partially braided back this time, it was mostly held together by magic and bobby pins; the first of the pair doing the majority of the work. She stretched her arms out, feeling how sore her arms were from the previous day as she slipped her headphones on over her ears. She crossed her legs as she sat on the cement railing of the stairs, getting lost in her thoughts as she thought about the previous day.

"You will get his trust and bring him to me." Killian's voice replayed in her head.

She narrowed her eyes, "Whose?" she asked.

He grunted, his fist clenching by his leg, "Peter Parker's." he spat, "Once you gain his trust, bring him to me and I will take care of the rest. He is the key to everything we are doing and once I have him....the Avengers will be in our hands; I can make them do anything I want."

She nodded, feeling a small sense of pride as she thought about how she'd be helping someone, "What will you do to him?" she asked, worried for the doe-eyed boy who she felt strangely protective for.

He grinned and leaned forward, "After we finish the others off, he will join the project."

Her eyes widened and knew that he would die. Peter would die because of one ever lived through the transplant. He couldn't die, not like that; he didn't deserve it. Then again, no one else that they'd "helped" had deserved it either, but something about Peter made her feel like he'd suffered enough in his lifetime.

"-n, Aiden?" Peter's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, she slid the headphones down over her head and looked at him; from her perch she was almost as tall as he was.

She quickly smiled at him, "Hi Peter." she greeted, wiping off any hint that she'd been in the hell of her own making.

His head was slightly tilted to the side as he spoke, "Are you okay?" he asked.

She quickly nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." she replied quickly, "Sorry I was listening to music...I like the playlist today."

"Oh," he replied sitting next to her, "Whatcha listening too?" he asked.

She looked down at the screen, "Led Zeppelin." she replied.

"I love Led Zeppelin," he replied, smiling at her.

She looked at him sceptically Peter Parker liked Led Zeppelin? "Really?" she asked.

He laughed a little and nodded, "Yeah, I like to listen to old rock."

She smirked slightly well she learned something new once again... she pushed herself up from her position, "That's pretty cool....I don't know anyone else who does. My papa likes classical music." she replied, remembering how Killian constantly had some type of classical music playing in the mansion; since they'd moved, she hadn't really heard such music.

The bell rang, signaling that it was time for them to go to class; she let Peter guide her back inside, he'd looped his arm through hers and walked to his locker so he could grab his books. Ned soon popped up out of nowhere, surprising the both of them, but more specifically Peter who'd basically jumped out of his skin, which was entertaining to watch. His face flushed when he realized it was Ned, his cheeks turning a brighter red when he saw her amused expression as she watched them.

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