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Next day

I got up as the sun rays hitting my face "Oh get up Em you have to meet Mr Russo today "Allyssa said while moving the curtains.

Late night I came to Allyssa house because it was safe to be here than in my room. "Good Morning"

"Good Morning Em now wake up get ready I have work so I will be leaving and I have kept breakfast on the table to have and go okay and ya be careful and also keep texting me and-"

"Okay I will don't worry ally I will be safe and now don't worry about me I will follow all your commands" I chuckled

"Okay I will be leaving give me call after u meet Mr. Russo okay"


After Allyssa left I got up from the bed and went to washroom brushed my teeth and did my morning business. I wore a simple jumpsuit as it was very comfortable I did my light makeup and black heels. After having my breakfast I left the house and caught a taxi.

. . .

The taxi stops outside a set of tall buildings lined up together ' THE RUSSO' is written in the middle wow this building was huge , the I am working is not even this tall and big!!

I entered the building and asked the receptionist about the meeting with Mr. Russo and took me to his office "You may enter miss "she told with a smile ."Thank you" I smiled.

As soon as I walked in , the view from the office took my breath away . from his office we could see whole city. It was beautiful was admiring the beauty of the office soon my eye met a pair of blue which was staring my sole. He wore a an expensive suite and damn what a site. 

"If you finish admiring you can have a seat" he said with his deep voice which made me shiver. I obeyed him and took a seat.

"So Mrs Bloom here is the contract "

"Contract?" I said with a confused look,

"Yes contract Mrs. bloom as we will be helping each other and seeing each other more you may need to know my conditions as per your safety " he handed me the contract.


1. Will should not anyone about the contract and the deal.

2. Will not flirt with anyone in public but can see anyone in private.

3. Should obey Mr. Russo in terms of safety.

4. If not obeyed there will punishment.

5. Will not tell anyone about this contract to anyone or else this deal is void.

6. This deal will be available until the stalker is found.

7. After the stalker is found Mrs. Bloom will leave and contact anyone from Russo family.

I looked at the pages once again" I would like to add one Mr. Russo"

"Yes tell Mrs. Bloom"

"We will not have any sexual contact with one another without the others consent except of kissing in cheek and hug in public"

"Umm...Okay Mrs. Bloom anything else"

"No Mr. Russo where do I sign"

He smiled before showing me were to sing and I grabbed the pen and signed the document. That's it I have a boyfriend now I fake but this so unreal.

"Mrs. Bloom be ready and pack your thing by today 7 pm"

"What?.. I..i mean why "

"U will be living in my home till this deal for your safety and I have already told your boss about the resignation"

"WHAT WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" I stood up from the chair

"You will be working as my assistant and I will give the salary more then the previous job . AND IF YOU DIOBEY ME YOU KNOW WHAT CONTACT SAYS" he said this we very deep and scary voice. I nodded my head "Word Mrs. bloom"

"Ye..yes" I shuttered

"Good and this is the last warning"

I gulped in fear What the hell did I gotten my shelf into?






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