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3 hours later

When I had reached my home Mr Russo's men's literally broke the door lock and were investigating my house 'that's what they said '. They had already packed many necessary items from my house but they told me check if I need any item which I may require they also told me not to bother on bringing clothes as for safety of Mr Russo.

"Mrs Bloom if you have done checking we shall leave now" a tall muscular man said with a neutral tone I mean all the men's of Mr Russo are serious but this guy here is dead serious.

"Ah...yes" I said.

It was a 2 hours Journey when reached Mr Russo's house I mean mansion, as you enter through the golden gates of the property, you are immediately greeted with the sight of huge mansion laying in front of an enormous lake.

"Miss we have reached the destination" the driver said. As I entered the mansion I am stunned to speak I mean I know Mr Russo is a rich person but this is not what I expected. As soon as I entered the mansion a elderly old women came and greeted me " You would be Mrs. Emma Blooms".

"Ahh.. yes madam", I said

"Ohh Tesoro no need to call me madam u can call me Jenna, I'm a house maid here u can call me anytime if you need anything " she said with a soft voice which reminds me of my mother.

"Hello Jenna" I said giving her a genuine smile.

"Where is Mr Russo" I asked Jenna as he was no where to seen.

"Sir is in a meeting and has not allowed anyone to disturb but he told me to show you to your room and if you want me to show around you're the house I can show you."

"Can you take me to my room and the house tour thing can we do it tomorrow as I'm very tired sorry to trouble you Jenna "I asked her as I was really very exhausted because so many things happen today .

"OHH of course Tesoro no need to say please so now please allow me to show your room" she said by showing the way. I followed Jenna as we walked through the stairs I saw many pictures hanging which would be more then my monthly salary ,well how rich is this guy?

"This will be your room Mr. Russo's room is right next to yours , your thing will be here by tomorrow don't worry about the clothes Mrs Russo has already arranged it , then I will excuse myself if there is any need please do call me Tesoro "she said with a soft smile.

"Ok Jenna and Thank you very much" I gave a polite smile

"Ohh no need of thank you Tesoro" said as she left the room.

When I started to admire the room OMG this is all I could say this room . The room was decorated in shades of purple and the furniture included a bookshelf were all types of books were kept , a huge dressing table, queen-size bed and a huge walk-in closet which was the very big ,its very big that if we put a bed it would still become a room of another person. This room is literally the size of my apartment and its very beautiful.

But one thing was weird about this room was it didn't have any windows I mean whose room wont have a single window or does rich people's don't have any window ,anyway I cant complaint about it overall this room is very beautiful and I like it.


"Sir we got to know were Mrs Bloom is"

"And were the fuck is she" shouting at him because he is just wasting my time.

"Sir Mrs. Bloom is under the roof of Dante Russo , a don of Italian mafia and one off most powerful and killer machine in mafia world "he said.

A smirk formed on my face after hearing that bastard name how many years was it that I met that guy and now here he is with my bird, a anger built inside me thinking that my bird is with a man .

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