chapter 8, Live action

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Authors note) so yeah- this chapter is gonna be about what Nezuko had been doing after saying bye too Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Urokodaki and losing rock paper scissors against Tanjiro. :)

Nezuko's pov:

Aww :( i lost too Tanjiro and now he can carry Zenitsu's box! Sigh its alright i guess. I hugged everyone before heading off too my first missio. I wonder what demon i stumble upon... Oh well! My first mission is in a bamboo forest in Kyoto, so i better be quick.

And maybe i can make an accessorie for my kasugai crow! Just thinking about idea's for that makes me excited!

And maybe i can make an accessorie for my kasugai crow! Just thinking about idea's for that makes me excited!

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Wait- i haven't even noticed that its almost night.. HAVE I REALLY BEEN WALKING FOR THAT LONG?? I dont even feel tired- oh well. I think I'm almost at my destination since i already see the very tall bamboo sticks, 'You have arrived at your mission!' TH-THE CROW TALKED TOO ME- that's a bit weird.. But okay 😀. And now I'm standing infront of lots AND I MEAN, LOTS of bamboo surrounding the area. Sigh wait- Is it just me or do i see something blue in the bamboo forest tho? No-

its a demon! I just know it! It seems like it has blue long hair and is wearing a paterned haori, the rest i cant make anything out of since I'm like.. Lots of meters away from it. But no time too think! I have too kill it. So i start running towards it and try to cut its head off since its turned away from me. And suddenly i got flinger away with water!? Great.. Its a demon with a blood demon art..😢 And I'm wet too. I then stand up too see the demon, oh! Its a girl that looks like she's crying.. But her face is emotionless- she also has like VERY light blue skin, with two horns on her forehead. She looked kind of shocked and relieved at me but snapped out of it when she focused her eyes at me, and then unexpectedly charged at me!

Water breathing..forth form! Striking tide! Ugh.. I only managed to cut her arms, i was aiming for her head tho.. She is fast. Thats when i realized that i have a cut on my face- 'Not bad! You kinda remind me if someone tho..But sadly you couldn't get near my head~ hehe.. Im Lizaki by the way! The demon that's going to KILL YOU!' Creepy- she is charging at me again! Water breathing...second form! Water wheel! Damn.. I only got to cut her hair- while she tore a bit of my haori. "Cmon! Attack me with all you can!~ or are you weak?' Okaaay- ' blood demon art~ toxic rain!' TOXIC RAIN?? THAT DOESNT SOUND GREAT- suddenly i saw kind of large water drops being summond all around that "Lizaki" as she then again- charged at me. I THINK she can manipulate those water drops.. Thats isn't good- she then send around 5 drops of water towards me!

Water breathing!.. Third form! Flowing dance! My tactic was to slice these drops because i don't know what will happens if i just stab it, so i could see what would happend. And these water drops kinda made a tiny explosion of toxic- I AM LUCKY TO NOT HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY THESE DROPS. 'Good.. Good.. I was kinda hoping you would die but good for you..' She then send all of the water drops around her to me- water breathing.. Tenth form! Constant flux! I gotta slice all these drops and then cut her head, yes! I successfully sliced all of these drops and I'm not about too decapitate her! Wait.. I'm feeling something wrong here.. As my blade was this close to slice her head off, i heard these words- ' blood demon art.. Bubbles.' Bubbles? AAAAAAAA- THESE BUBBLES ARE HARD- THEY ARE YEETING ME TO A ROCK! And before i knew it, it all went blank. 'ehe~ you know.. It has been fun playing with you. But its getting a bit boring, sorry! Now my bubbles will put and end to you.' Charges all of the bubbles to Nezuko..

WATER WHEEL! UGJ- THANK GOD I WOKE UP! i also slashed a few bubbles heading my way. Oh, my head is bleeding- 'just die..' Blood demon art.. Tsunami. Oh gawd- WHAT DOES THST DO? i then see like a huge wave of water heading towards me! ... I know something. I can swim through that and reach the demon in the middle! Soo i start swimming- but i wouldn't even swim thanks to the wave being too big. Suddenly she saw me stupidly swimming so she imidiatly dropped the wave and charged at me with bubbles in her hand. 'BAHAHAH that was quite stupid!' Wait.. I might have the chance to decapitate her! And i just noticed the blood on my forehead leaking very VERY badly- I'm going to faint from blood loss soon.. So this might be my only chance! Water breathing.. Forth form! Striking tide! YES!!! I DECAPITATED HER!!! 'Oh brother..' Brother!? Whats that about.. And then she crumbled away- ... I'm feeling kind of Dizzy- collapses to the floor

I see a person running towards me.. But it went blank again.

Idk like 1 hours later?

I woke up with bandages and stickers on my head and where scars where and i was in a room full of beds, what is this place? I look for the door only to see a girl standing there. She was smiling in relieve. 'Where am i?' I ask her, i then see her flip a coin? She then walks up to me. 'You're in the butterfly mansion, be sure to get some rest.' The butterfly mansion? I slowly sat on my bed, my head hurts tho- 'whats you're name?' I ask as i'm curious to know her name, she then flips her coin again before speaking. 'My name is Kanao Tsuyuri' i quickly said my name was Nezuko before i see her i think putting thee on the nightstand and smiling before leaving. She looks kind.. I also noticed that i was in some kind of pyjama? But I'm not gonna get out of bed RIGHT now tho- my head still hurts.

Authors note) hi :)) I DONT know if this chapter is kinda short but yeah, sorry- i also don't know what too say right now soo i just wanna thank you all and say that this chapter (plus authors note is 1102 words long and that drawing Nezuko took a day or some 😋)

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