Chapter 13, Encounters

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Tanjiro's pov:

"Infuriating. Infuriating.." I heard the sound of the drum and the room spun gain! and  Teruko landed on her back! "Teruko! Hold onto the furniture!" AGH! that ones a demon with supernatural powers! Stop launching those reckless assaults!"

"Infuriating.. You damn insects running amok in my house!" The boar charged an attack at him, but then the room spun again and everyone fell to the floor- HE WAS STANDING ON TERUKO AGAIN! DOES HE NOT CARE ABOUT HURTING HER?  "EHHEAHEA the room frickin spun aroud! THIS IS FUN! THIS IS FUN!" "DONT STOMP ALL OVER HER!" i said as i was tossing him away in the air to get off of Teruko. Like- who does he think he is? Standing on a child!? "Who the hell are you?" "WHAT DO THINK YOU'RE DOING, STEPPING ON A LITTLE CHILD LIKE THAT!" I said as i hold Teruko in my arms. She looked really scared.. "Eajahahaha! I like it! I like it! No human's ever sent me flying like that before!" As he was running towards me with an attempt to attack me??- 

but why is he coming after me? Isn't he a demon slayer???? He's wearing the corp's uniform too! "My swords will hurt you. Its not the kind of swords you gentlemen use! The way they shred through flesh.. Thats what i pride myself on!" "Cmon! Knock it off, there's a demon right there, you know!" "Like i care!" He said going for another attack at me, ANDD then the room spun again thanks to the demon with the drums... "Damn INSECTS! Out of my sight! Die!" And he hit another drum on his stomach.  The floor ripped appart all of the sudden! Wait what the?! Are those claws!?-  and then the demon hit the same drum again and it forged another claw attack!  And then he hit the drum on his left shoulder that spins right! He then drummed the drum on the opposite shoulder and the room spun left! "Damn insects!" And he hit the left drum and the one on his tights! I think that one rotates the room upside down- i suddenly hear another drum and i was teleported someplace else! But it wasn't that demon that drummed it tho- his hands weren't even going to hit them..  And then i heard another drum, making me get teleported into yet another different room! I'm picking up the scent of multiple demons in this house. Could there be another demon with a tsuzumi then? I wonder too myself. Is that why...

Wait-I'm picking up a scent from the hallway on my right, i can smell blood. Teruko looked scared so i reassured her that its gone be alright! I set her down on the floor when I'm about to stand up. "Just stay behind me." She said yes as we quietly went outside ofthe room. I look to my right and left only to see a dead body laying there in a pool of blood- Another human ripped to shreds and devoured..."wh-whats the matter?" Teruko looks at my nervously. "Its alright. There are no demons around! Come on, lets head over there. Don't look back, just straight forward okay?" I could smell another scent. A unique scent of blood, i have never smelled before. But it looks like there wasn't that much bleeding. I sign the Teruko to be quite when we enter this room and she nodded. I slam the door open holding my katana, only to see another young boy sitting there with- a tsuzumi? He looked so terrified as he was about to drum the tsuzumi!

Nezuko's pov:

"Tanjiroooo! Tanjirooooooooo!!!!!" Where is he!? I'm worried for his safety.. I'm atleast I'm not alone! I have Shoichi in hand with me! "TAnjiroooOOOOoooooo!!!!!" Okay- I'm not going to yell anymore. "Do you think my sister will be okay?" I hear from him. "Ofcourse! She's gonna be alright! My brother will make sure to protect her!" I know he can obviously, he had many siblings to protect and care for.... As we walk around trying to find my brother, we started chatting a bit becauseee? Idk what else we would've done-   :,) "Oh Yeah! that reminds me of whe-" i interrupted Shoichi by giving him i sign to stay quite. I heard something move.. Or rather someone- OH DAMN IT- ITS A DEMON! "A couple of kids! Probably most agreeable to the tongue!" WHAT WAS THIS DEMON!??!? AND HIS TONGUE IS AWKWARDLY WEIRDING MY OUT- i need to decapitate him!!!!- "stay behind me Shoichi." I say right before using a water breathing form. He was about to attack me! Water breathing...second form.. Water wheel! 

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