Remus had taken Sarah to his cottage, making it her home now. He needed to drop her off at Molly's for the first time since that dreadful night, of which she had no recollection, because tonight would be a full moon, and he promised himself to never let her witness any of it."Here you go, Sarah, darling," Remus handed to her a hair tie with a butterfly on it. The marks on her arm had faded a little already, and she had accepted Remus' explanation that it was only a bruise.
She takes the hair tie in her hands, grabs her long brown curls and ties them in a pony tail just like Remus had shown her last time. When she's done she lifts her arms in the air "Done!"
Remus looks down at her and gives her a high five "Great job!"
He can't believe she's almost four. It seems only yesterday she was learning how to walk and stumbling down his piles of books, making everyone smile.
"They're attracting her live a magnet," had said Sirius, looking at her fondly.
Daniel smiled, "Wonder where she gets it from," putting an arm around Lyana.
Remus shakes the memories off, concentrating on getting Sarah out of the house. It was the first time she saw anyone else besides him since the horror from last October.
He gets dressed quickly, rejoining the living room as he puts on his tie. She looks at him, puzzled "You have a weird scarf" she says pointing at his neck.
Remus laughs "It's a tie Sarah, darling, you wear it to look nice"
She jumps up "Can I wear one too?"
He laughs again "Sure" he goes into his room and brings out the hanger where he puts all of his ties. She picks a dark purple one. If this choice, her shoes, hair tie and top color told anything about her is that she loves purple. Remus smiles and his eyes start to water because that was a present from Sarah's mother. It matches your glooming look, she'd said, laughing. He swallows his tears at the thought of them and kneels down to tie it around her neck, "It's a wonderful choice. Now, let's go"
She runs towards the chimney and stands inside it. Remus grabs a handful of Floo Power and Sarah in his arms, pronounces distinctly his wanted destination and they disappear into the green flames.
Seconds later they reach their destination, stumbling into the chimney, making a few things fall around them. Sarah's head is spinning, feeling a little sick, but then her vision comes into focus and she takes in the place. There were so many colors inside, most of them were orange and brown but it was beautiful. Not far from her was a long wooden table with many chairs. So many chairs. She only had two chairs at Remus' cottage. She started counting them, Eight.
She looked around the room, it felt warm inside, like she was welcomed by the objects surrounding her. It's quiet, she thought, only it lasted five seconds, long enough for her to definitely decide she loved this place already. She heard laughs, a cat hissing, the ceiling trembling and a woman screaming from upstairs "Boys, what did I tell you about bothering your brother!"
She heard another voice respond, a boy's "You were talking about Bill then!"
Another continued "You didn't say anything about Charlie!"
"Stop it, right now! Remus will be here any second!" she heard the woman scream again and then the stairs cracking. Sarah was a little nervous about meeting the woman who's scream was a little frightening to be honest.
She made her way to the place where Remus and Sarah ended up and she smiled sweetly. Sarah's panic dissipated, the woman looked sweet and kind. She had a long colorful dress and red hair wavy hair that reached her shoulders.

Marooned - Fred Weasley
Fanfiction"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The second Sarah McCauley stepped over the threshold of the Burrow, bruised arm and heart, she knew it would become a special place to her. The secon...