Chapter 19: Lycathropy, is that a candy?

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Hermione, Harry and Sarah made their way to Hagrid's and hid from themselves hours before. They were going back in time. They managed to save Buckbeak from his execution by making him follow the necklace of ferrets Sarah picked up from the ground. After a close call of being torn to pieces by Remus, they were waiting for the whole scene with the Dementors to arrive, sitting against a tree.

"You see me and Sirius talking there?" Harry pointed up the hill. Hermione and Sarah nodded.

"He's asking me to come live with him. After this whole mess dies down," he says, looking up at Sirius and his past self. It must feel so sweet to find his godfather and have him be willing to get to know him.

"That's amazing Harry," breathed Hermione and Sarah looked at him and smiled. Remus was her Sirius and she had been lucky enough to grow up with him. Her head was spinning but she was blissful knowing Harry will have that kind of love in his life, feel protected, wanted.

Just as she thought that, she saw Harry and Sirius on the pebbles, Dementors surrounding them. They were waiting for the mysterious savior, Harry said it was his father but he never came. Sarah quickly hurried up with Harry and performed the Patronus Charm, her Goshawk and his Stag chasing away the Dementors, and saving Sirius. And Hermione was left bewildered.

"It wasn't your father you cast the Patronus, Harry, it was you," whispered Sarah, hand on his shoulder, just like she held him years ago in that weird room before the Mirror of Erised, letting him know she understood, that she was there when he thought no one was.

His face fell towards the ground, not knowing how incredibly powerful his magic was.

"It was you, Harry," she whispered again, and he lifted his head, met her gaze and pressed his lips into a tight line.

After the shock wore off a little, they climbed onto Buckbeak's back and flew towards the tower where they knew Sirius was held.

"Bombarda" said Hermione, flicking her wand at the padlock on Black's cage. The door burst open and Sirius got out. Before he flew away, he talked to Harry. Hermione and Sarah stayed next to Buckbeak, giving them space. They got up and she thought he will leave, but Sirius walked up to her, asked if he could have a word. She nodded and walked to him.

"I knew you when you were about this high," he said, positing his hand close to the ground.

She chuckled, "As a mushroom, then?" and as soon as she said it she apologized, "I'm sorry, I hit my head, pretend I didn't say that."

He smiled softly, "I see so much of Daniel and Lyana in you. You know, you look so much like your mother. But you do have your-"

"My father's eyes," she said, looking back at Harry, because people made the same comment to him about his mother. "So I've heard." She always found it funny and endearing. She loved being told this, just like she expects Harry did. It always came with a bit of bitterness because they never really got to know them but it was beautiful to think they were walking around, building their life while carrying a bit of their parents in them. They lived on through them this way.

Sirius contemplated her fondly before speaking again, like he's recalling his friends' faces "I'm glad to see you're doing alright." He walked to hug her and Sarah smiled as her eyes filled with tears, squeezing him tight.

"I missed you," he said, pulling away and cupping her face.

She was seeing him double now, something was definitely wrong with her head but she blinked a couple times, making the dizziness go away.

"Your parents were four of the greatest people I've ever known," he told them while climbing on Buckbeak's back.

He looked at Hermione who stepped away from him  "You really are the brightest witch of your age" making Hermione smile. He was right. And then just like that he was gone. Harry and Sarah watching him fly away and the clock started to chime.

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