Chapter 61: By Seven

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"Hello," said Sarah softly, looking at the man laying down on the hospital bed, "My name is Sarah McCauley, I will be your Healer for the time you spend here. Do you remember anything from your attack?"

He seemed to take a moment, his arm had been broken, and an open wound to the head. He was brought in by a hitchhiker, found him in the woods covered in putrid leaves and dirt.

"I didn't know them, I-" his voice trailed off, "I don't want to be here, I'd like to leave please."

He made to stand up and Sarah stopped him, "You can't. You've have a severe concussion, we need to monitor you for the next fifteen hours. Why don't you want to be-"

She stopped talking and analyzed his face. Now that he was awake and talking, he seemed familiar. She didn't know his name, nothing that could have helped them identify him came along, his wand was lost and he had refused to tell anyone his name.

Sarah eyed the corridor and whispered cautiously, "You're a member of the Order. I know you. You've been missing for a few weeks-"

He grabbed her aggressively, made her voice falter while she tried to get out of his grasp and he lifted her sleeves. "Not a Death Eater," he muttered.

"Godric, no," said Sarah indignantly.

"But that mark-" he pointed at her arm, "I know who you are, too."

She resisted the urge to back away and frowned at him, "How?"

"You're unofficially on the most wanted list, I was attacked by a Snatcher. It's a brand new operation, after bounties mostly. There's over three thousands Galleons price for my head, I can't even imagine what you're worth. Probably multiply that by ten," said the man warily.

Sarah fidgeted with the files she was holding nervously, over thirty thousand Galleons, that seemed over the top. Unsettling to a point of a panic induced breakdown.

"I've got to get a hold of a contact," he said grimly.

"Moody or Shacklebolt?" she asked.

His eyebrows shot up, "How-"

"I'm a member, too," she said, "I'll get to them discreetly, move you to the Head-Quarters as soon as you're clear to leave."

The man gave her a grateful nod and seemed to be much more at ease now, maybe he'll get in a few hours of sleep.

Sarah left him alone, made sure to not tell anyone about what she'd found out and charmed the windows and door to not have anyone come in and finish the job.


"Well, this is goodbye, then, boy," said Vernon in a rough and loud voice.

"So, you really do have a boyfriend," whispered Dudley.

Sara rolled her eyes, "That information hasn't changed since the last time you asked five minutes ago. And if you ask me again, I'll practice some wonderful spells on you, just for the sake of avenging you being such a bullying tosser to Harry."

That made him frown and he turned to his parents, Vernon seemed to struggle between being a human and shaking his nephew's hand or actually looking stupid and swerving it awkwardly.

"Come along, then," said Vernon, making Petunia and Dudley walk towards the door.

Dudley had annoyed Sarah for a while, he'd missed a bit chunk of the story and didn't seem to understand what was happening right now, why Harry wasn't coming along, "Isn't he coming with us?"

"No," spat Vernon at once.


"Because..." he grumbled "Because he doesn't want to. Do you?"

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