Chapter 65: Fallen From Grace

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"Sarah," she heard.

A voice she knew, strangely a voice she wasn't afraid of all of a sudden.

She stepped towards the gate and saw Draco standing there in pyjamas, his wand drawn.

"What are you doing here?" she asked quietly.

"I don't know," said Draco with a shrug. He pointed his wand at the door and it unlocked, leaving Sarah completely shook.

"You're getting me out?" she spoke disbelievingly. She wasn't sure if this was a dream or not.

Draco gripped onto the gate and pushed it open, gestured for her to go up. Sarah took several steps towards him, turned to Ollivander, "We need to help him-"

"I'm no hero, McCauley," he said dryly.

"Besides, he's chained, I can't bust him out. I'm already taking a big risk here. You either get out or I'm closing the gate. I can trick them into you managing to escape on your own. No one will believe Ollivander escaped."

"He's right, miss McCauley," Ollivander assured her, holding up his chained hands. Sarah hadn't noticed they had put them back on. Her heart sank when he said, "My time hasn't come quite yet. Go."

Sarah shook her head, looking between the two of them torn. How could she leave someone behind like that? On the other hand she could go to Fred right now.

"Let the favor of protection be returned."

Sarah turned to Ollivander and saw him nod, not an once of regret, only encouragement, and she found herself moving towards the door. "I'll come back for you. I'll get you out of here, I promise," she said earnestly.

Ollivander nodded and watched them walk away. She moved passed Draco a few steps up and hid when she heard voices. He locked the door again, said something to Ollivander then turned to her, "Keep your head low, there's a meeting down the hall."

She nodded and let him lead the way out. The shoes they gave her for dinner had small heels that hit the ground in a clicking sound so she took them off and carried them in her hands.

"Why are you doing this?" she whispered, tiptoeing onto the cold marble floor.

Draco shook his head like he didn't know the answer to that himself. He stopped just around a corner, surveilling both left and right before turning a corner, "Are they really going to kill you?"

Sarah's eyebrows shot up in surprise that what she had said actually stuck with him. She heard some footsteps so she nodded quickly and stayed silent. It was late at night. Or really early in the morning, she had no idea. But now without any sunlight the whole decor was intimidating. Family portraits all over the walls, centuries of the Malfoys' history.

It was a housekeeper that was passing through the corridor, Draco yanked Sarah into a corner and gestured her to stay quiet.

"What are you doing still up at this hour?" he asked the woman. She had the same clothes as Olga but slim and thin hair, a pointy nose that stuck even in the darkness.

"Your father requested another bottle of fire whiskey, Master Draco, I was just fetching in from the kitchen," she said in a hoarse voice.

Sarah turned her head to her left and say the door to the kitchen. She knew Draco also had the same thought process, the housekeeper will have to pass Sarah to get to it. She panicked, seeing her way out already slipping through her fingers.

"I'll get it for him, go to sleep, eh? It can't be good for your knee to wander around the house on a cold night like this."

If Sarah hadn't heard Draco's voice, seen his lips move as he spoke, she wouldn't have believed he said that. That he knew this woman's problems, that he cared enough about getting her out of here, that he lied and offered to take a burden upon himself. It was carrying a simple bottle of liquor, but still.

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