For the first time in a long time, Sarah dreamt of her parents. She imagined them young, as teenagers, running around Hogwarts, passing the moving paintings that yelled dafter them to keep it down. Themselves being the ones who were shouting louder. They were just laughing. She couldn't help but to see herself and Fred, no red hair but same breathless and complicit snickers from almost getting caught.Remus had told her some stories about them, how their story started. She liked thinking of it sometimes, imagining Remus, James, Sirius and her father young, she wondered how much she was alike her own mother.
*twenty two years ago*
Their feet were set into motion just as soon, the command was pretty common among them. But if it were to be shouted to anyone else, they might stir up panic. And at a rightful cause, one might find pulling a prank on a Professor panic worthy, the kind of action one would avoid.
Problem was, four of them didn't actually know why they were running, but they had learned years ago to run first, and ask the questions later.
Daniel forcefully ushered them into a corner where they could witness it all, had to grab Peter by the collar to bring him against the wall, otherwise he would have continued running. They hid until Mrs Norris passed.
With flushed cheeks, Peter setting his collar and tie straight, James ruffling his hands through his hair, Sirius completely unfazed and snickering at Remus who had his hands on his knees and wheezing. As much as he enjoyed sneaking around the castle and fist bumping into corners at a well put joke, he wasn't fond of the part where they had to run away in case of a retaliation.
"Want to fill us in on what you did? So we know at least where we stand on the lie scale?" asked Sirius while he peaked around the corner and crossed his arms, a sly smirk drawing on his face.
"When Flitwick walks into the Charms class in about five minutes," Daniel smirked and tucked the longer strands of his hair behind his ears before tilting his chin towards the classroom they spend they Thursday afternoons, "It'll only take one step to pour the bucket of vinegar turned into wine above the door—"
James and Sirius exchanged a small nod whereas Remus leaned towards him abruptly, unsure he'd heard that right, "You're going to drench Flitwick in wine? Are you mental?"
"I'm not that basic. Please, give me some credit," he pressed a hand to his chest dramatically like he'd just insulted his entire bloodline. "I will make a tornado out of it, let him levitate in the center of it for a few seconds. He gave me such a hard time last week when I couldn't turn the vinegar into wine, he'll know it's a joke."
"The question isn't if he'll know it's a joke. It's more a matter of how well will he take it," said Remus skeptically. Often he found himself being the voice of reason, Sirius, James and Daniel were tasked with talking him out of his logicality.
He leaned his shoulder against the tall brick wall, tilting a painting to the side in the process.
"Hey!" the old man inside shouted at him, "Careful boy!"
"Sorry." Remus repositioned it and they all tried to ignore the angry grumbling man, waving his striped hat in the air. When Remus glanced at him again, clearly uncomfortable, Sirius flicked his wand and set a Silencing charm on the painting. The man dropped his hat and still tried to shout but nothing was heard.
Sirius slid his hands in his pockets and winked at Remus before going back to the trial of Daniel, both of them clearly biting down on their smiles.

Marooned - Fred Weasley
Fanfiction"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The second Sarah McCauley stepped over the threshold of the Burrow, bruised arm and heart, she knew it would become a special place to her. The secon...