After the Quidditch World Cup, Remus insisted on having Sarah stay with him until September 1st, teaching her any defensive spells he hadn't yet. It was worrying to the Wizarding world what had happened, the papers were filled with testimonials from that night and theories on how it originated."I'm afraid I won't be able to pop by Hogwarts this year for your birthday, I'm sorry," he told her and after a second of confusion and slight irritation, she nodded, "It's all right, don't worry," understating he had put his business and his life on pause to raise her and now that she was getting older, he picked up where he'd left it.
September came too quickly. She didn't want to leave Remus but figured it was inevitable. Athena was always as vociferous when she put her back in the cage. But after last year she learned her lesson. Athena was proud and too stubborn.
So Sarah set the cage on the grass, stepping away from it, seeming totally uninterested by it and Athena would eventually make her way down to inspect it and walk in of her own free will. She was stubborn and Sarah loved her that much more.
She reached into the cage after closing it and stroked her head, "You're making me work for it every time."
Athena screeched in response and Sarah chuckled, "I know, girl. Let's go meet Fred and George," and Athena flapped her wings screeching a few times. She understood whenever Sarah talked about the twins.
She put some money, her school uniform and her Walkman into a small bag to keep it with her on the train and took her trunk downstairs.
"Ready?" asked Remus when he saw her walk down and she nodded. He was adjusting his tie in the mirror by the entry, making her smile.
"I can't believe I won't see you at all until June," she said as she finally reached the floor.
"It's okay, Sarah, darling. You'll hear from me far too often, it'll seem like I'm right there," he responded softly, turning to her and grabbing her trunk.
"Yeah, all right," she smiled, trying to push down whatever tightening she was feeling in her chest. She brushed it off and they made their way to the station.
Once before the Hogwarts Express, she hugged Remus tightly, remembering it was the last time she saw him for a long time. He too lingered, feeling guilty that he couldn't be there for her birthday. But he figured she'll be busy preparing anyway, she just doesn't know it yet.
They pulled away and away she went, long brown locks falling on her back, just like Lyana. He missed her and Daniel everyday, but having Sarah around made it bearable.
Sarah climbed into the train and started searching the compartments for her friends. She ran a few people she knew, talked to them briefly, and after walking around for a few minutes, she finally saw the twins, Lee and Selena seated.
"Hey, guys!" she said, cheerfully. Lee gets up and jumps to hug her tightly, making her stumble down.
"Missed you, too, Lee," she breathed out.
He pulled away and grabbed her shoulders "Heard you almost died again," and she raised an eyebrow and eyed the twins, "Hardly. I'm fine."
"Stupid, stupid, stupid," she heard Selena speak from her seat, shaking her head disapprovingly.
"Say that again, and someone please give her a mirror this time," said Sarah, beaming at her.
Selena got up and hugged her too, "I agreed with Lee before you came that he almost kills you with a hug and I lecture you."
"I see. Practical," said Sarah matter-of-factly.
Selena smiled sat down and Sarah waved at George. She sits down next to Fred, greets him too, and he turns to her "Do you have a concussion McCauley?"

Marooned - Fred Weasley
Fanfiction"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The second Sarah McCauley stepped over the threshold of the Burrow, bruised arm and heart, she knew it would become a special place to her. The secon...