Be brave, I love you.Her father's voice still echoed, she kept thinking of that night, looking over her forearm, her abnormal phenomenon. Strange.
Sarah was sitting on her bed, reading next to one of her best friends who was looking a bit scary right now.
Selena was doing an essay at the last minute in Charms. She was leaned over her books, head in her hands, probably inches away from tearing everything to pieces.
"Please take a look at mine, he gave us two weeks for a reason," Sarah pleaded again, she had already tried to help her many times, but Selena wanted to do it alone, maybe she also wanted to torture herself so she'd never do it again.
"This is the subject I'm supposed to excel at. I shouldn't need help, I should be the one giving it," said Selena, not looking away from her page, the same she's been staring at for the past fifteen minutes.
"You're amazing at it, and it's completely alright to not have the energy to do an assignment from time to time. It doesn't make you any less capable, Selena," reasoned Sarah, hoping her friend was hearing some of the words she spoke but she wasn't sure.
Angelina, Alicia and Katie walked in then, the girls seemed to be teasing Angelina about something. Their giggling made Selena's head shoot up and send them a glare. When they saw her disheveled hair and bed filled with open books and ink everywhere, they didn't make one more sound.
"You're crazy. I love you. Keep your head down and write," said Sarah to Selena and got up to join the girls a little farther from Selena, leaving her to her essay.
"What's got you all snickering and gushing?" she asked them quietly, curious.
They brought her on the bed next to them and they told her some gossips they heard about a couple Durmstrang students, bringing new students around the age of 17 at Hogwarts was a recipe for all kinds of scenarios. They talked for a while in hushed voices not to disturb Selena until it was time for them to go to sleep.
The evening before the deadline for putting their name into the Goblet of Fire, Sarah was studying for an exam in Potions, when Fred and George plopped on the couch.
"McCauley" said Fred with a light smirk, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Weasley," she responded, mimicking his tone, not looking up from her book. She knew they wanted something from her.
"We were thinking..." started George
"...That you..." Fred poked her arm with the arm he had around her
"...Could help us out."
She hummed, trying to not seem too eager, "With what?"
"An Aging potion," they both said in synch.
"An Aging potion, what do you need an Aging potion f-" her mouth snapped shut and she groaned, exasperated, "You two are rascals, unbelievably reckless. There's a reason they installed that rule."
"And since when do we follow rules because 'they were installed for a reason'?" asked George mocking her tone from before and she hit his foot and he winced, groaning in pain.
"I'm not helping you," she said dryly before looking back at her book.
"Why not!?" both yelled out
She scoffed and closed the book making it clap, turned to look at each before speaking "Because it's stupid, and I'm not having any of you enter that Tournament."
"There's a 1000 Galleons prize, McCauley," said Fred in a quiet voice and the realization hit her. She was worried for their lives, and they were thinking of the prize. Their relentlessness had nothing to do with their interest in breaking rules and the rush of almost dying.

Marooned - Fred Weasley
Fanfiction"Whatever memories and moments define who you are or who you want to be, this one was among his." _ The second Sarah McCauley stepped over the threshold of the Burrow, bruised arm and heart, she knew it would become a special place to her. The secon...