Chapter 22: The Quidditch World Cup

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After spending a few weeks on her homework and with Remus, Sarah came back to the Burrow the night before they left for the Quidditch World Cup. They woke up early, too early, and Sarah wasn't friendly for a while because the twins woke her up by throwing a bucket of ice cold water on her. And now, she was walking around with a frizzy, untamed hair, that she didn't enjoy particularly.

"What happened to your hair?" asked Hermione when she saw her stumble into the kitchen to pour a cup of tea. Sarah turned and glared at the twins who were waggling their eyebrows, grinning mischievously at her.

Hermione chuckled and left her, knowing in a few hours she'll laugh about it, she just needed to wake up fully.

They left for the camp, and Sarah walked with Hermione and Ginny, which put her in a better mood but Fred and George joined them at one point and tried to joke and lighten up the mood, get her to laugh, smile at least, forgive them, whatever. It hadn't worked very well.

Sarah saw two people walk down the hill in front of them, and after walking a little closer she recognized Cedric and what could only be his father.

"Amos!" exclaimed Arthur and went in to hug the man. He then shook Cedric's hand "Great lad you've become, Cedric. Heard a bit of your Quidditch capabilities around the house," he said said while pointing at the twins.

They rolled their eyes and waved at Cedric, he walked forward to greet everyone. Ginny, Hermione and Sarah exchanged a small smile when they saw him, and they resumed to their travel, walking for what felt like forever.

"How much longer? I'm getting a bit hungry, honestly," said George and Fred groaned, "Yeah, me too."

"A half-hour, at the most," said Arthur and they all huffed.

That's where Sarah had an idea to get back at them. She thought back to the twins' present last year for her birthday, some chocolates, actually Hiccough Sweets but they thought she could be fooled. She had saved them in a little box, keeping them fresh, in the hopes of using them when she needed to. And now was the time. She opened her bag and got out the box, "Care for a chocolate?"

They looked at each other, surprised she wasn't mad anymore and didn't think too much of it, "Sure," said George and they both took one.

"Can I have one?" asked Ron and when she saw the twins eat theirs, she whispered, "Trust me, you don't want this one," she winked at Ron and his eyes went wide, and everyone stared at the twins. They started to hiccough excessively for some reason after that, making everybody laugh and Sarah grinned, watching them struggle a little.

"Need some water?" she asked, faking innocence.

They looked at her and furrowed their eyebrows, "I. Told. You. Not. To. Get. Her. That. As. A. Gift." said Fred in between hiccoughs.

"Don't. Blame. Me. Now. You. Thought. It. Was. Funny." answered George and it was the most hilarious scene

"Such an irony. You tricksters were tricked by the most basic thing ever," she told them, disappointed and they reached to grab her but she ran behind Ginny who was beaming and they couldn't even run and hiccough at the same time. Snape was right, revenge is sweet.

"We'll. Get. You. Mc. Cauley." said Fred

"Bring it on, Weasley." she said smirking, making him feel that thing again.

The hiccoughs stopped after a half hour, just in time for them to reach a strange shoe, standing alone in the middle of a small hill.

"It's a Portkey," explained Arthur, "Yes, grab on to it, come on, Hermione, Harry, Sarah, everyone."

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