musical mood: house on fire - sia
It was in early November that Cass grumbled her way into the stands of the Quidditch pitch, being quite literally dragged by Naia. She had managed to convince their entire dorm, including Bethany, to go watch the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match, that her sister Angelina would be part of.
"It's too early." Padma whined as they weaved their way into an empty spot in the Ravenclaw section.
"It's nearly noon." Bethany stared at her through dark brown eyes.
"Yes, but it's a Saturday. I need sleep."
Ana, on the other hand, was as cheery as ever. "It is a beautiful day out."
"It's cold." Padma continued to complain, rubbing her arms.
"Oh, please." Ana rolled her eyes. "If this is cold, you would freeze to death in Belarus's winter."
They continued to banter, while Cass leaned back in her seat, studying the two teams that were hovering on their brooms above the field, about to start the game. Angelina Johnson was easy to spot, being the tallest among the girls by far. Harry Potter, a first year that was allowed to play because of course, was also hard to miss. Even from a distance, his lightning scar was visible, and the Weasley twins both held beaters bats and wore identical smirks.
Cass still couldn't get their recent interaction out of her head. Not the twins themselves, no, but the events that had surrounded it, a little over a week ago. According to the student body, Quirrell had run into the Great Hall in a panic, screaming about the troll, and then bloody fainted. Quite a contrast from the state he had been in in the library.
In classes, Quirrell had returned back to his normal, odd self - stuttering, twitching, and not actually doing much teaching. From any other perspective, nothing would've seemed amiss, which made it all the more dodgy. Cass was itching to talk to George and Fred about what they had seen on Halloween night, but she hadn't managed to get them alone.
"Are you looking at the Weasley twins?" Naia nudged Cass with a playful smirk.
She quickly tore her gaze away from them. "No. Why would I be?"
"Because they're attractive. Duh." She waved her hand as if it were obvious. "Anyways, Angie has a massive crush on Fred, so you're not allowed to fancy him. George is fine though."
"I don't fancy either of them. That's disgusting. I hardly even know them."
Naia raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything else as the game began, and the stands suddenly burst into cheers and boos. A kid who introduced himself as Lee Jordan was the announcer, calling out the plays as they happened. Angelina was a spectacular Chaser, making almost every single goal for Gryffindor.
"Merlin, I hope Harry will be alright." Padma muttered as the match continued, more to herself than anyone else.
Cass turned to her with raised eyebrows. "Why wouldn't he be alright?"
Padma simply shrugged, and Cass directed her attention towards Potter with a nervous feeling in her gut, though she almost instantly forgot about it as she watched him. He was surprisingly good at flying - or at least she assumed he was, given that she hardly knew anything about Quidditch, outside of the basics. For a first year to get on the team, though, he had to be more than competent. Surely, nothing would go wrong.

Blood Magic ✦ George Weasley ✓
FanfictionSecrets can only stay buried for so long, and the Crouch family have a plethora of them. [ps-dh] fem!oc x george weasley cover made by familyjulez. H...