38 - A Good Old Fashioned Family Reunion

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musical mood: emperors new clothes - panic! at the disco

The rest of the summer went by in a rather blissful blur for Cass, an unusual thing indeed. The fake relationship went well, despite setbacks (being George's insufferable nature). The Weasley family seemed shocked, to say the least, but were overall quite supportive. Molly even promised to knit Cass her own jumper for Christmas, which made her heart soar.

They got their OWL results back, Cass receiving an O in potions for the OWL class she took, alongside the twins both also getting O's. No doubt, thanks to her work on all their group assignments.

Potter and Granger showed up for the World Cup in late August, much to Molly's pleasure. It seemed as though Potter was her favourite child, including that of her own. They were awoken bright and early to head out for the World Cup, where they'd be camping out.

Percy went on and on at breakfast about Bartemius and his internship, completely oblivious to how uncomfortable it was making Cass. George, who everyone was now under the impression was Cass's boyfriend, kept eyeing her, as if he was worried that she'd storm off again, like she had at the dinner from hell.

Thankfully, Percy chose to apparate instead of joining them. Cass wasn't sure she'd be able to handle any more of his boasting. She'd feel bad for him, having to work with her father, had Percy not driven her so bloody insane.

"We're meeting with the Diggory's." George elbowed her as they finally exited the Burrow and began to trek to where the portkey was.

"So?" Cass feigned indifference.

"So, you'll get to meet your future father-in-law."

"I highly doubt I'm going to marry Cedric."

"You never know."

"Don't I? Chances are, I haven't even met my future husband yet."

"You never know." George repeated, staring off in contemplation. "Your future husband could be closer than you think."

"Future husband?" Fred cut in, walking closer to them from where he had been talking with Ron, Potter and Granger. "I hope you two aren't talking about marriage already, you've only been together for a few weeks. You're both a bit too young for the whole ball and chain as well, wouldn't you say? But then again, I reckon Ginny already has her wedding with Harry planned out."

Fred was, like everyone else, under the impression that the two of them were a genuine couple. Cass thought it would've been best to tell him, but George convinced her otherwise, as his twin was apparently a terrible secret keeper. Besides, tricking everyone was part of the fun, wasn't it? That's what George said, at least.

"You two certainly make an...interesting couple." Granger commented from behind them, as George entwined his hand with Cass's. Her good hand, not the one that still had random spasms and ached with every gentle touch. "I never would've taken George for your type, Cass."

Says the person in love with Ron Weasley. She wanted to respond, but bit her tongue. Cass was too distracted to form words, anyways, with the feeling of George's fingers clasped in hers. It shouldn't be distracting at all, really, she shouldn't care one bit, but the sensation made her stomach flurry just as it did when she was around Cedric.

"Oh, I'm certainly her type." George sent a wink in Cass's direction. "It is very odd, you'd think she'd end up with someone like Percy, but nope."

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