61 - Malfoy and the Mudblood

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musical mood: king of my heart - taylor swift

On Valentine's Day, the couples of Hogwarts were all packed on the trail that led to Hogsmeade, leaving only lonely singles behind. Cass hadn't expected to be part of the groups going on a date, since that had never been a thing her and George had done before, but that morning, he had left her a note that read simply: Meet me outside the Shrieking Shack.

So, she did, walking alongside Theodore, who was meeting Ana at the Hogs Head. Apparently, they couldn't be seen in a crowded place like the Three Broomsticks, so they had to settle for the cramped, dingy pub instead that no one ever went to.

They spotted Henry as they walked, with a Slytherin girl she didn't know the name of. Cass gave him a wave, to which he simply turned around and pretended he hadn't seen them.

"Rude." Cass frowned. "He's been acting so strange this year. Did I do something to upset him?"

Theodore simply shrugged, though by the convoluted expression on his tan face, he was clearly fighting the urge to say more.

Well, perhaps it was best not to push it.

"How has Ana been doing?" She asked, despite having spoken to Ana earlier that morning. Anything to break the awkward silence between her and the younger Nott brother.

At the mention of Ana, Theodore's entire expression lit up like a Christmas tree. "She's grand. Busy studying for her stupid OWLs, like all you bloody Ravenclaws. But she lets me study with her, so I reckon that's good at least. I'm...I'm really happy with her, Cass. Like, happier than I've ever been, I reckon."

She grinned at him. "I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks." He grinned back, though his expression faltered ever so slightly. "I just worry, though. About my father. I worry I'm putting her in danger."

"Oh, come off it, Theodore. Ana will be fine, and so will you. It isn't like your father is going to murder her or something."

"You'd be surprised." He said under his breath, seemingly more to himself than to Cass.

She frowned at this, but chose not to comment further, assuming Theodore wasn't in the mood to discuss his horrific father on a day that was supposed to be about love.

Cass had never really got the point of Valentine's Day, until this year. It was just another day, why would you need a designated day to tell the person you love that you love them? It felt superficial, to her, and maybe it was, but now, she found herself almost...giddy. Merlin, she'd turned into such a teenage girl, being so flustered about having a boyfriend. Not just a boyfriend, George.

"Good luck." She gave Theodore a wink as they parted ways, he entering the Hogs Head and Cass continuing down the path to where the bench that overlooked the Shrieking Shack was. She assumed that was where George meant to meet her, at least, as that was the closest accessible point to the shack.

Her assumption had been correct, as she turned the corner and was met with the sight of a tuff of red hair peeking out from a bench. He must've heard her footsteps crunching in the snow, as George's head pivoted towards her, a bright grin on his face. "Cassie, you came."

"Did you think I wouldn't?" She frowned as she sat down next to him.

"You don't seem to be the type to be into Valentine's."

"I'm not." Cass admitted with a shrug. "But I am into you. And if that requires participating in cheesy holidays meant for capitalist commercialization, that's fine with me."

"I'm going to pretend I know what those words mean."

"It means, I love you." She leaned up and kissed him.

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