69 - Dead Girl Walking

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musical mood: in the end - linkin park

The words rang over and over in Cass's mind.

Marry Henry. She was to marry Henry.

"Why?" She mustered, her voice shaking for the first time since she had arrived at Malfoy manor. There was no use trying to hide her panic, not anymore, not when the concept of getting married at sixteen years old had been presented to her.

George. Cass assumed that she'd marry George someday. He'd even told her that he planned on proposing after they graduated. She'd been silly to believe him. Silly to believe everything could work out. The world had let her down enough, she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up.

"You dare question the Dark Lord?" Bellatrix Lestrange hissed from her seat.

"Silence, Bella." You-Know-Who held up a hand, and her mouth closed, though she seemed reluctant. "Henry betrayed me for you. It's only acceptable, that the Nott family line go down a peg, by him marrying a halfblood."

Cass glanced over at John Nott, who's face was red with fury, his eyes focused directly on his eldest son.

"Alright." She gulped, conceding. There were worse people to marry, she figured. At least Henry was her friend. She'd rather die than marry someone like Draco Malfoy. There was no point in fighting her fate, not anymore.

"Theodore, I believe you are still engaged to Bethany Burke, is that correct?"

"Yes, my lord." Theodore nodded.

"That will still commence. From what I hear, Cuthred, your daughter has been fraternizing with a mudblood by the name of Colin Creevey." He glanced over at Bethany's father, who shrunk under You-Know-Who's intense gaze.

"She has disappointed me beyond measure, my Lord."

"And Theodore, you have been involved with Anastasia Vasiliev, correct?"

He slowly nodded, his eyes wide and full of terror.

"Disgraceful. Oh, how far the Nott's have fallen...no matter. Your engagement to Bethany should serve its purpose."

Cass turned to stare at Malfoy, this time, waiting for You-Know-Who to bring up what was most likely a relationship with Saoirse, yet another mudblood, but he didn't, meaning either he didn't know about it, or there was something else entirely going on between the two...

For Saoirse's sake, Cass prayed it was the second. Because when You-Know-Who found out, and he wouldfind out, it wasn't going to be pretty.


The Dark Mark ceremony was uninteresting. Cass had figured it would've involved some sort of blood ritual, maybe even human sacrifice, but it was nothing of the sorts.

You-Know-Who had the four teenagers, being Cass, Malfoy, Theodore and Henry, stand in a line, left arms outstretched, as he made them vow to follow him no matter what, do whatever he says, support and uphold the death eater values, as he held a wand to their wrist and allowed the serpent tattoo to sink into their skin.

Judging by the sound Henry made when it burned into his forearm, it hurt. But Cass didn't feel a thing. She doubted she'd feel ever again.



Rita Skeeter

The body of a muggle boy named Connor Moore, aged sixteen, has been found washed up on the shore of La Rochelle, France, after a two week long search for him and his friend, sixteen year old witch Cassiopeia Crouch. The theory that the French and English authorities had was that the two had committed suicide together, in a pact. This theory has been supported by Cassiopeia's suicidal tendencies in the past, and Connor's erratic behaviour, especially in recent years. It is noted that where Connor's body was discovered was nearby where Cassiopeia's grandparents lived, whom were found dead in their home last week. The two are not thought to be connected, but it is interesting.

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