74 - Padma's Prediction

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musical mood: break my heart myself - bebe rexha

Ron Weasley was the hero of Gryffindor, after they defeated Slytherin in a Quidditch match for the century. Or, at least, that was what Lavender was telling Cass as they made their way out of the stands.

Cass had never cared one way or another for the sport, and had only gone along to watch the game because Lavender insisted. Parvati was on Lavenders other side, absentmindedly nodding along with everything she said. She was clearly not a fan of the sport either.

"There's going to be a party in our common room, if you want to come." Lavender turned to Cass. "Henry is invited too."

"I don't think Henry would want to come." She shook her head.

"I won't want to come to what?" She heard Henry say from behind them, and he approached the three girls. His blackish brown hair was pulled back into a bun, and he overall looked put together. Far more than Theodore had been appearing as of late, at least. "Nice match, huh? Weasley sure blew me away, he's always been a little useless."

"Says you!" Lavender snapped, likely harsher than intended. Henry didn't seem phased, though.

"There's a party in our common room, for the match." Parvati explained to him. "You're welcome to come. Not Theodore, though. He's a rotten Slytherin." She joked, and Henry mustered a grin.

With a lingering glance at Cass, as though searching for her approval, he said, "Sure, I'll go."


Cass returned to her dorm room before the party, to get changed into something worthy of a party, and to take three calming droughts to settle her racing thoughts and aching body. She had no idea what she was sore from - maybe Barty had somehow injured himself, and it had made her way to her through the Bond, but no matter, calming droughts also seemed to dampen her physical pain as well as mental. She sure needed the calming droughts for her emotional wellbeing as well, being around Henry as of late was like being around a banshee, he made her head spin, and her heart hurt, like he was slowly sucking the life out of her. He was driving her mad, though she couldn't figure out why he was giving her such a physical reaction.

"You okay?" Henry greeted Cass as she descended down the stairs that lead to her dorm room. He'd waited for her? Why on earth would he do that? He hated her. "You look a bit pale."

"I'm brilliant." She flashed him a grin, finding she actually meant it. Sure, her life had gone to shit; the boy she loved knew she was a Death Eater, she was engaged to someone who despised her, her best friend had been murdered, and she had to raise an army of child soldiers for You-Know-Who, but other than that, life was good. "Let's get going, we don't want to be even more late."

Henry nodded, and the two departed from their common room, down the halls, and made their way towards the Gryffindor common room. The password this time was Bertie Bots, which Parvati had made sure they were given before they departed to the Ravenclaw common rooms to get ready.

The room was erupt with chaos, everyone cheering on Ron, who was currently in the middle of a snogging session with Lavender.

Cass swiftly averted her eyes, having no desire to witness her friend publicly snogging Ron Weasley, of all people. Though as she did, her gaze fell onto a horror-stricken Parvati Patil. Her mouth was agape, brown eyes wide, and her tan cheeks tinted green, like she might throw up.

"Well, that was unexpected." Henry muttered into her ear as the two continued snogging as though no one were watching. "Lavender and Ron, who would've thought?"

"Yeah..." Cass trailed off, her eyes still fixed on Parvati, who had turned around and began walking up to her dorm. "Hold that thought, Henry. I'll be right back."

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