40 - The Intimacy of Knowledge

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musical mood: outta my head - somi

It was hard to be excited about the Triwizard tournament, when Bartemius was at the school. While Cass was glad to see him alive, and seemingly unhurt, she didn't think she could handle a school year with him wandering the halls, even if it would only be on occasion.

"That man is creepy." Naia leaned over and whispered into Cass's ear about the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor - apparently Lupin had quit, though she wasn't sure of the reason. She couldn't blame him, working at Hogwarts was hell. But he had been decent, and she'd miss him, especially because the new Professor was none other than Alastor Moody.

"Wonder how he got all those missing limbs." Terry commented.

"He's an ex auror. So probably battles and stuff."

"Auror?" Ana blinked.

"Dark wizard catcher."

"I don't like him very much...he gives me bad vibes." Padma said, but no one paid any mind to her. She was always nervous, was she not?

"I think I know him." Henry eyed Moody up and down, as Bartemius went on about the Triwizard rules, how they could only compete when they were seventeen. This seemed to upset people, but Cass couldn't imagine why. Who would want to compete in such a dangerous tournament? "He killed Evan Rosier, didn't he?"

Cass made eye contact with Bethany at the mention of Rosier, who had been Barty's close friend. She was surprised that with Barty on the loose, he hadn't tried to track down and kill Moody. Then again, Moody was perhaps the best wizard alive, besides maybe Dumbledore, and surely couldn't be taken down by a malnourished thirty year old.

"He didn't kill him." Bethany rolled her eyes. "Rosier was under arrest, and he attacked them. It was self defence."

"Potato potato."

"I can't believe I'm going to be your sister-in-law. You're insufferable." She crossed her arms, glaring at Henry.

"So you and Theodore are still engaged?" Luna raised her eyebrows. She hadn't spoken a word since they'd been on the train, too entranced in a new book she'd got, in a language Cass couldn't detect. It looked like gibberish.

"Unfortunately." Bethany groaned, her eyes drifting over to the Slytherin table, where Theodore and Malfoy were arm wrestling like children. Bloody boys. "But I'd throw myself off the Astronomy Tower before I go through with it."

By the look on Henry's face at the mention of his brother, the two clearly were still rocky when it came to their relationship.

"And what about Colin?" Padma asked.

"What about him?"

"I mean, are you two still together?"

"Since when do you lot care about my love life?" Her nose scrunched up. "It's none of your business."

"Sorry, sorry, I was just making conversation." Padma raised her hands to her shoulders in mock surrender.

"Yeah, well don't."


"Did you hear?"

Cass had just entered potions, and was approached by the Weasley twins, each with wide eyes and a bright grin.

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