musical mood: sugar we're goin down - fall out boy
They returned to Grim Old Place that night - they being the Weasley's and Potter. No one quite knew what to say, and Cass wasn't even sure what to think. All she knew was that Arthur Weasley had been attacked by a snake, and Potter had somehow saved his life by seeing it in a vision. No one quite understood how, or why, but they were grateful nonetheless.
The pleasant mood that Cass and George had been in that night was shattered, with George in a state of complete shock at the news about his father. He'd gone pale, and was trembling from head to toe. Fred was no better, holding back worried tears as they made their way through the halls.
"It's going to be okay." Cass leaned up and kissed George on the cheek as they approached the door to where Fred and George shared a bedroom. "He's alive, he's going to be okay. I promise."
He moved to embrace her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "Thank you."
"Oi, where's my reassurances?" Fred whined from next to them. Rolling her eyes, Cass let go of George, moving instead to hug his twin brother. Though there was an obvious lack of intimacy between the two, she could tell Fred appreciated it, as his lips curved up into a sad sort of smile.
She broke apart from him, mirroring his smile. "Goodnight, you two."
George frowned as she began to walk away. "Wait, where are you going?"
"To my room..."
He stared at her, his eyes wide, like a wounded animal. "Oh."
She raised her eyebrows. "Unless you want me to stay with you?"
"I'd like that. If you want to."
Cass had figured that, after a month together, he'd likely grown tired of them sharing a bed, and probably wanted to sleep by himself once in a while. But the look on his face was so raw, so sincere, she now thought herself silly to have assumed such a thing.
"Don't be ridiculous, of course I do."
George sighed in relief.
"Sleeping only." Fred said, glancing between the two with his eyes narrowed. "I get enough obnoxious sex noises at Hogwarts from Lee and Kenneth, I don't need that here as well."
"Of course, Fred, we'll try to keep our hands to ourselves." George patted his twin on the shoulder, and Cass stifled back a laugh as she followed him into their room. It was clean, quite a contrast from their dorms in the castle, though she imagined Molly had likely straightened up the place while they were gone. The idea of George and Fred voluntarily cleaning anything was laughable. There were two twin beds, on either side of the walls, and Cass curled up into the one George indicated was his. It was smaller than the bed they shared at Hogwarts, but she didn't mind, it just meant she was in a closer proximity to George.
Falling asleep for the second time that night proved to be a much more difficult task, likely because her bed mate was just as wide awake as her. His calm tended to rub off on her, tended to relax her, but now that he was so tense, so unlike himself, she didn't know what to do.
"Can I do anything to help you?" She leaned up and whispered into his ear, not wanting to wake Fred, who was snoring loudly from his bed.
"Just being here is enough." He responded, though his voice was tight.
"I can find a calming drought, help you get to sleep. I know Remus keeps a few in the kitchen, to help him when the full moon is approaching." She offered, and George shook his head.
"No, that's alright." He shifted against her, clearly restless. "I kind of want to leave."
"Yeah, go for a walk. There's a park nearby, isn't there?"

Blood Magic ✦ George Weasley ✓
FanfictionSecrets can only stay buried for so long, and the Crouch family have a plethora of them. [ps-dh] fem!oc x george weasley cover made by familyjulez. H...