53 - Madness (Or Lack Thereof)

760 31 20

content warning: suicide

musical mood: castle of glass - linkin park

"Hit me!" Cass screamed into the oncoming traffic, louder than she'd ever been before, as cars began to swerve around her, blaring their horns. "Fucking hit me! Hit me!"

"Crouch, get out of the fucking road!" Moody roared, as he grew closer to her, looking rather silly as he jogged on his fake leg. She ignored him, keeping her eyes glued on the cars in front of her. While her heart was racing, it wasn't in a bad way, in a fearful way. No, it was like she was free, for perhaps the first time in her life.

"I'm not scared! Hit me! Fucking hit me! Do it, you fucking cowards!" Her voice chased after the next car that had swerved to avoid her, nearly running into a double decker bus in the process.

"Crazy bitch!" She heard the driver shout out the window.

Moody attempted to jump into the road, to follow her, but a speeding car cut him off. "Crouch, cut this out! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Hit me! Come on! Come on!" Another truck missed her by mere inches, and she let out a scream of frustration. "Fuck you! Hit me, someone fucking hit me! I'm not scared! I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not scared!"

There was another failed attempt from Moody to jump into the road, as he nearly got runover himself by a red bus. The driver stuck his hand out the window, flashing him a middle finger. If Cass had her wand, if it hadn't been snapped in half by that pink bitch, she would've hexed Moody to keep him away from her, or even better, use it to end her own life. It would be much more efficient than standing in a road, waiting for someone to hit her.

Just as she was about to lose hope, just as she was about to realise no one was going to willingly hit the crazy teenage girl and go find another way to end her pathetic excuse of a life, a semi turned the corner, and rapidly sped at her. There was no way it would be able to swerve to avoid her in time, even if the driver did somehow see her.

"Crouch, move!" Moody shouted as he attempted to get through the traffic, but to no avail.

"Yes! Come on! Hit me! Come on! Come on! Come on!" Cass egged the semi on as it approached her, as if daring the driver to hit her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she prepared for the impact, the inevitable pain before the bliss, but it never came.

Strong arms wrapped around her body, and suddenly, she was flung in the air, landing on the sidewalk with someone on top of her, breathing heavily. Her head smacked against the concreate, hard, and her eyes shot open. Only for a moment, though, and while her vision was blurred, she could still somehow make out that the man who had just saved her life was Barty.

"Fuck you." The words came out of her mouth slurred, slow. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was her brother pushing himself up onto his feet, and sprinting away.


Light poured through Cass's vision the moment she opened her eyes, and she squinted as a dull pain seared through her head. She glanced around, though it was hard to see much through her blurry vision. She was in a bed, a white bed, and there was white everywhere. The walls, the floor, the door. Was she in heaven?

No, if she was in heaven, her head wouldn't be killing her. Besides, if there was such a place, there was no way she would've made it there.

"Crouch, you're awake." A gruff voice said from next to her, and she nearly fell out of her bed in shock. How had she not seen Moody there?

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