79 - Blood In The Water

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musical mood: miss americana and the heartbreak prince - taylor swift

Pansy was incredibly easy to convince. The girl had downright stated her loyalties to You-Know-Who when Cass had cornered her after a Charms lesson. There was no need to beat around the bush with her, no being vague like she had with Daphne and Blaise. In fact, the girl seemed almost excited about the idea of working with the Death Eaters, which shouldn't have surprised Cass as much as it did. Pansy had always been a prejudiced little bitch.

March flew by in a breeze, and Cass found herself enjoying the life of a secret bride. While the deaths of Connor and Ana still loomed over her head, now she had someone to help her through them. She relied less on calming droughts, and more on kissing. Henry and her found amusement in sneaking around, snogging in empty classrooms, holding hands in the halls, and generally annoying their friends with their intimacy.

It was the beginning of May, as Cass left an apparation lesson, in significantly higher spirits than she usually was after those classes. She'd been making progress, and had managed to land in the hoops for the first time.

"You look happy." She felt an arm swing around her shoulders, and looked up to meet Henry's eyes.

"I am. I apparated for the first time."

"That's brilliant." He grinned at her, and she grinned back. "I have a surprise for you."

She raised her eyebrows. "You do?"

"Yeah, c'mon, follow me." He released his grip from her shoulder and motioned for her to follow him. She obeyed, stalking behind him in the halls. His hair wasn't pulled back in it's typical bun, and he had cut it ever so slightly, not much for most to notice, but Cass had. It looked nice, she thought. She'd always been a fan of his long hair, but lately she'd become borderline obsessed with it, always playing with it as they kissed, to the point where Henry thought it was funny.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He winked at her, and she felt a blush creep up onto her face.

Eventually, the two made their way onto the 7th floor of the castle, and Cass realised he was taking her to the Room of Requirement.

"Won't Malfoy be in here?" She asked in a low voice as he began to pace back and forth in front of the wall. She knew this was where Malfoy was trying to mend the vanishing cabinet, to get the Death Eaters into the school, as requested by You-Know-Who.

"Nah, I asked him to take the night off from his plotting, give us the place for a bit." A door formed on the wall, and he swiftly opened it for her. "Ladies first."

She laughed, and stepped inside, to reveal what appeared to be a massive, fancy bedroom. The walls were a crimson red, with dark carpet, and a bed larger than anything Cass had ever seen before. The wall in front of the bed was lined with books, and an old fashioned red couch sat in the corner, like the ones in the Marilyn Monroe movies. There was even a fireplace, warming up the room.

She turned to Henry as he shut the door behind them, eyes wide. "Are you trying to seduce me, Henry?"

It was his turn to blush, though his confidence didn't diminish. "Not seduce, per say. This is more like...a place to spend some quality time together. We are married, after all. Consider this our honeymoon."

"Our honeymoon." She repeated, pressing her lips together. "I like it."

He let out what seemed to be a sigh of relief, his confident aura shifting ever so slightly. "I'm glad."

Her eyes flickered around the room once more, taking it all in, when they landed on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Oh my God, did you get waffles?"

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