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5:30AM, Woodsboro, California. 

You usually wake up way too late for school, but today was an exception. You were basically up all night; your friends were constantly calling you and paging you because of the news. Casey Becker is dead? Your relationship with her was not at all intimate, but, it's still strange. Having someone that is closely tied to you and your friends pass. Shaking the thought out of your head, you sit up in bed, turning your face toward your window. 

You let your legs off your bed and stand to open the window, letting the crisp cool air hit your face. "Fuck that." You thought. You closed the window and rubbed your eyes vigorously, hoping to cure your sleepiness by at least a little. You take your hands away from your eyes and walk to your bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face. It's so fucking quiet. You think to yourself. You walk to the Boom-Box you owned and promptly place a mixtape you created in it. 

"COLOR ME YOUR COLOR BABY!" You sing along as the song starts up. You walk into your closet and gloss through the selection of clothing you have, caressing against the shine of your PVC and leather clothing, occasionally touching a faux-fur clothing article. "I'll wear you." You yawned as you reached for a studded leather jacket, adorned with patches. After pondering the rest of your outfit, you reach for a PVC bralette and pants to match with the platform leather boots you chose. You collapse on your bed, ass first and pull up your boots. 

After you pull on the rest of your accessories, you stand in front of your vanity and proceed to do your makeup and fix up your hair. 

"Yo, Ma!" You call out to the rest of the house once you finish pausing the mixtape and cleaning your room. 

No response

"Mom?" You call out once more

Still Silence

You stand up and walk downstairs to find a note hung up on the fridge 

"Hey, pumpkin. Me and Your father will be out of town for a while, We're out for a business trip. There's plenty of food in the fridge and your Aunt is watching your siblings. Don't have parties and don't get stoned! Love, Mom" 

You chuckled to yourself as you cleaned up the kitchen and made yourself a small breakfast. You, being lazy as hell and not wanting to skateboard today, decided you would take your motorcycle to school. 

The sound of the engine was music to your ears. Raising your hand closer to your face, you glanced at the watch you wore. 6:25. I have time. You thought to yourself. You kick the stand up and get on your way, letting the morning air flow through your teased hair.

The streets were almost completely empty, giving you a chance to have a bit more fun, take more risks. Your hands tighten on the handles, revving even more, as you race down empty streets. They remind you of your old days in Los Angeles. Woodsboro was, of course, not that far from LA, but, it couldn't ever be it. You see young children standing in front of the bus-stop; parents, parents walking with their children to school, and people driving to work. 

After maybe 12 minutes of riding, you pull into a record place. You push open the doors to see the walls beautifully decked out with posters from Nirvana, Blondie, Metallica, Black Sabbath, and oh so much more. You couldn't help but gawk. Running your ring-adorned fingers across the cases, the cool feeling of the paper between your fingers felt so good. 

" Y/N?" 

You turn around in confusion and see Stu Macher.  Standing with his arms folded, legs crossed with his head cocked to the left. After a minute he slowly moved his tall figure toward you, "Whatcha doin'? It's like the crack of ass." Stu continued his talking, moving behind you and slightly bending to rest his hands on your shoulders. Stu hummed again to edge you into answering his question as he let his head fall to the side. "What does it look like, jackass?" You sneered at him, pulling your head a bit backward to make eye contact with him. 

"Fair enough." Stu pulled back and stood up straight, completely showing off how tall he was. He stood behind you and watched you the entire time you were in the Record Store, taking note of the music you looked at for long, and paying attention to those you were disappointed in. 

"Why're you here Stuart?" You ask once you approach the cashier, "You hate being early." 
Upon hearing this, Stu scratches his head, thinking of a possible answer. He clearly didn't have an answer for you, so you promptly turned back around and paid for your Vinyl and walked out only to be followed by him. 

"If you're gonna follow me, at least speak Stu." You sarcastically say, facing him, walking backwards. "Well, I'm sorry princess. What would you like me to say?" He smiles brightly, adding in a bow at his 'princess' comment. "Like why you're here so early and how you got here." You say as you put a leg over your motorcycle, the other on the floor. 

"Just came to get some new music, but i am broooooooooooooooke." He stuck his tongue out after finishing his sentence, glaring at your motorcycle. "Question, princess." 

"What, Stu?" You raise an eyebrow at the change in tone. Stu nervously knits his eyebrows and fiddles with his fingers before looking back up at you, "Could I get like, a ride, man?" He nervously grins. In return for his question, you give him an eyeroll and a pat behind you. 

"SICK!" He laughs loudly 

After a little you two arrive at school, not trusting yourself with your keys due to your fidgitiness, you give them to Stu for safekeeping.

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