𝑫𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆

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The three of you stepped in the car and you immediately jumped to play your music, rapping along to all your favorite songs with Stu, Billy driving with a slight smile plastered on his face. 


The movie store was absolutely packed, you surfed the crowd of people searching for Randy, only to be met with your entire school. 

"Randy? Randy!" You shouted and you saw a hand with rings wave in your direction, you quickly walked toward it and sighed. "Randy, I'm gonna kill Tatum." 

He continued restocking the horror section and turned his head in your direction, "DON'T SAY THAT!" He shouts quickly at you "Do you want the cops on your ass again?" He cocks his head to the left and grimaces at his choice of words.

"My bad."

"It's cool." 

Stu and Billy creep up behind you, Stu knocking the tapes out of Randy's hands, exclaiming and sticking his tongue out at Randy, sneaking past the cart he was using. Causing him to bend over and grab them, Stu sighs. "Jesus this place is packed." 

"Yeah? We had a run in the mass murder section." He groaned, picking up each movie and holding them in his arms.

"You coming to my fiesta?" Stu smiled and leaned against one of the shelves.

You turn around and follow Billy to the horror section, smiling at the selection. You overhear Randy and Stu talking. 

"Yeah, I'm off early--curfew you know." Randy replied. "Oh, now that's just in poor taste." 

Randy drops his hands at his side. "Horror movies while everyone's dying. Splendid choice Y/N." 

Billy turns away from you and starts to walk to these two girls smiling at him from the other side of the horror section. "He left me alone. Dick." You groaned and continued to look through movies. 

Randy continued on, "If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section?" Stu groaned and leaned down toward Randy, resting his head on his hand. "It was all a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything." 

Randy rolled his eyes back and sighed. "You're such a little lap dog. He's got killer printed all over his forehead." 

"Weeelll Ookkkaaay, The why'd the police let him go? Huh? Smart guy." 

"Because, obviously they don't watch enough movies. This is standard horror movie stuff. PROM NIGHT revisited." Randy shrugged and made it seem as if he was dropping absolute knowledge. Billy didn't do shit. Lord have mercy. 

Stu followed Randy as he moved to restock shelves. "Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend?"

"There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience." Randy made eye contact with Stu and grinned. 

Stu stood up straight and crossed his arms, "So, what's his reason." 

Billy stopped talking to the other girls and nudged your shoulder, "What're they on about?" He grinned. You gave him a sigh and looked at the two boys. "Randy thinks you're a psycho killer. I'll be right back." You squeezed Billy's hand and walked to the two.

"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him." Randy said, you quickly made your way to the boys and laughed. 

"Riiiight because she's saving herself for you." You giggled and crossed your arms, looking at Randy. 

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