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You proceeded to Tatum's room and opened her closet to find her spares for you. Tatum was always kind to you. Ever since she saw you, she knew she'd like you. You looked like opposites, but she felt so enchanted by you.

You sighed and smiled when you found the medium chest with a note on top of it reading, Y/N's Clothes. With a meagerly drawn heart next to it. The chest has a white leather finish and a silk-blue bow with a yellow charm in the middle. A care-bear. Inside the chest were two folded black nightgowns, a day outfit, and undergarments, with a pair of Converse on the side.

You reached for the nightgown and the undergarments. "It wouldn't hurt to change and take a shower." Right after you finished that statement, the phone in Tatum's room rang loudly. You felt a pang of anxiety pang through you; was it the killer? You reluctantly picked the phone up and answered with a quiet and breathy "Hello?"

"Y/N? It's Tatum; we've got a situation here. Are you safe? Do you know about the killer running around right now?" She rushed. "Yeah, I was attacked a few hours ago; Why do you sound so panicked what happened?"
Tatum audibly sighed and you could almost hear her frown through the phone, with an sharp inhale and groan she continued. "He almost got Syd; we're at the police station right now. Come meet us."You, knowing that of course if Tatum is showing any ounce of distress it's a serious situation, runs immediately agrees and makes your way to the office. "Okay, got it."

You hung up the phone,  threw on your Converse, and then put on your jacket, and rushed down the stairs. "Hi, Ms. Riley! I have to go meet Tatum at the police station." You explained as you rushed to the front door. "Oh, Is anything the matter?" She replied. You just shook your head and gave her a hug before you ran full speed to the station. You made it in a half hour and saw Syd getting out of the station from the back door.

Your breaths were hitched, and you felt the cold air entering your lungs. You stomped over the mist of the night, cooling your hot face. The closer you got to the scene, the more you could hear. "I'll send you a copy!" The voice sounded extremely forced; the closer you looked, the more you realized it was Gale Weathers. Of course.

Sydney turned around and started to walk, but she sharply spun around and punched Gale square in the cheekbone. Gale fell backwards and had everyone tend to her, and Dewey, Sydney, and Tatum walked toward you.

"Damn, Syd! You fucked her ass up." You cackled and held onto her shoulder as Tatum held onto her waist while they walked to the car. Dewey let you all into the car, and all of you sat in silence while you drove. You rung the doorbell to her house, and Tatum's mom opened the door and hugged her and Syd deeply. You sucked yourself in and got into the house by pushing back the door, then walked up the stairs into Tatum's room to change and shower. Once you stepped out and dressed yourself, you saw Tatum lying on her bed and Sydney on the other. "Hi, babess, so how are you doing? I know I glossed over the fact you were hurt too." Tatum said she was standing from her bed. Her tone seemed playful, but her face showed how concerned she was: her eyebrows knit, her head tilted, and she missed her smirk. It really scares her to know that you're in danger.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Don't worry about it, Tatum. You should worry about Sydney, though. It must be way harder on her." You sighed, walked to Tatum's bed with her, and laid your head on her lap as she sat up. Obviously you were still shaken up, for fucks sake you damn near had a panic attack when Tatum called you, you just wanted to put the spotlight on someone else for a bit, Afterall it felt shitty to be the second thought but at least you had Billy and Stu; They've been here for you since day one, always protective, always checking on you.  

"So, Syd, how do you feel about Gale? I'll send you a copy. BAM!" Tatum re-enacted the scene with a teddy bear of hers above your head and repeated it once more. "I'll send you a copy! BAM SYD SUPER-BITCH!" She raised her hands above her head with her mouth agape and raised her eyebrows.

Dewey appeared at the doorframe with an icepack and furrowed eyebrows. "I thought you might want some ice for that right hook." He reaches his hand out to Sydney, and she takes the pack with a smile as she places it on her knuckles. "I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep." While he moved to leave the room, Sydney quickly questioned him, "Any word on my dad?" He sighed and replied to her, "Not yet, but we're looking. If you need anything-" Tatum cuts him off with a series of "yeahs" to indicate that we get the point. He disappears with a smile and a tap on the doorframe.

"Just another sleepover at the Riley's," Sydney says while she lays back down. 0."Just like old times, ain't it?" Tatum quips back at her, and you sigh and nod, "Just like old times. You know, minus the serial killers and the depression but yeah just like old times for suuuure"

Sydney looks up and answers. "No, nothing's like it used to be." The phone rings as soon as she finishes her sentence, and Tatum closes the gap of silence. "Do you really think Billy did it?" Hearing this sentence makes you jump. Sit up and look at the two girls. "Did what? Whatever it was, I don't think it could've been him. He was taking care of me with Stu before I was dropped off." Sydney sighed and looked at you. "He was there, Y/N." You sat in silence and processed what Sydney said as Tatum scoffed, "I knew this guy was too perfect. He was destined to have a flaw."

You lightly slap Tatum's hand. "Being a psycho killer is a little flaw, Tatum." It couldn't have been Billy. He was there for me after I was attacked. But I guess a lot could happen in an hour; after all, Stu took me instead of Billy. But he wouldn't, right? Your head went rampant with thoughts; you wanted to believe that Billy didn't do anything, but the other part of you wanted to believe your other friend.

There's a knock on the door, and Mama Riley holds the phone. "It's for you, Sid." You turn quickly due to a loud clatter on the floor. Sydney was standing with tears in her eyes, staring at the wall. Dewey rushed out of his room, gun in hand. Tatum is looking at Sydney in concern, and Mrs. Riley is pacing around. You stood and wondered what had happened, and Tatum explained to you that the killer had called Sydney. "So it wasn't Billy?" You felt guilty for having a feeling of joy stuck in your throat, but it wasn't Billy and that's all that mattered to you right now. 

(Sorry yall I haven't posted in a long time so this is a little filler chapter!! I'll be writing some more in the future I promise."

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