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"Mr. Loomis. Is Billy home?" You panted. Your chest was heaving; you flushed, the crisp, cool air somewhat hurting your throat. You couldn't believe you survived this and you wouldn't be able to feel safe alone again.

"He is, are you okay, Y/N? You're all scratched up." Mr. Loomis opened the door, his formal lawyer demeanor dropped for you. He really cared about you. After all, you've known Billy since you two were little. You first met him when you came here on vacation to see a family member and ran into him.

June 23rd, 1983. Playground.

"Okay, Y/N. Go play with the kids over there. He looks chill." Your mom gestures over to a young Loomis boy, with tousled hair and that grin you couldn't get enough of. You nodded and stood up, walking to him; the summer sun illuminated his eyes; he was so intriguing. I know that's a lot for a child, but, man, she wanted to be his friend. He seemed nice.

"Hi! My name's Y/N, who are you?" You smiled brightly with one missing tooth, your eyes shining with childlike glory. The boy reached out a hand, and you took it happily. "Billy. Do you want to play a game?" He grinned, and you nodded.

"Daddy! Look at my new friend, Y/N!" Billy held your hand and ran toward his dad with a big smile. Mr. Loomis leaned down and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you, young lady."

1994 - The Incident
After that, it was all a blur. You visited Woodsboro more and more until you moved here. It was all going so well and happy. Well, that was until something happened to the Loomis family.
"What the fuck! He's so full of fucking shit!" Billy threw over chairs and tables and collapsed on you, holding you so close to him that nothing else mattered except for you. "She left me all because of Maureen and because he couldn't stay fucking loyal." Billy seethed with his face stuffed in your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist. You rubbed circles into his back with the palm of your hand and uttered to him, resting your head on his and kissing it. "It'll be okay, I promise. I'll be here always." You looked him in the eyes after he pulled his head up to you and sighed. "You promise?" you smiled softly in response, "I promise."

You and Billy were always together. There wasn't a day when you weren't. But there was something missing. Someone missing.

September 1996

"Oh, something happened at home, Hank. I just needed to see Billy." You looked around the room for any sign of him downstairs, but he wasn't there.

"Okay, but if you need anything, you know I'm always available for you Y/N." Mr. Loomis smiled at you and rested a hand on your should firmly, his words had shown concern and confidence, but his face was extremely worried. You rested your hand on his and squeezed, letting him know you were fine. "I'm heading out for work. Call me." He enforced. "I know I know." You gave him a hug as you walked up the stairs to Billy's room. The front of his door had a caution sign, and you giggled at his little decorations.

Knock Knock

There was a prolonged moment of silence, and then you heard a window close downstairs. "No." You turned around quickly, putting your back firmly against the boy's door. Your head was on a swivel; you would not die forward. You put your right foot foward and the door swings open; you fall backward into a familiar figure. "Hello?" Billy lowered his eyebrow at you and lifted you up with his arms looped under yours. You swiftly planted your legs to the ground and turned to swing your arms around Billy's neck. "God! Billy!" You completely collapsed once you got into his arms. You were drowning in his cologne, but this time, you didn't care to comment on it. You didn't want to. It was keeping you grounded in reality. "Woah, woah, woah. What happened, Y/N? What's this?" You looked up at him and averted eye contact. He reached his cold hands up to your face and cupped it, rubbing his thumb along your cheek. Examining every spot he saw was hurt on you, caressing every cut. "Who did this? Why didn't you call me or Stu?" His voice turned cold. "I'm sorry, the killer he chased me, and I didn't know what to do and I thought it was all a joke until he said something that, really. I just-" You cut yourself off as you were stuttering and sighed, "I didn't know what to do."

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