𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇𝒊𝒔𝒉, 𝑰 𝒂𝒊𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈.

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You sighed and listened to Tatum rambling on about what she'd want to bring to the party and skipped along holding your hand and swinging it around as she walked home. You kept walking without a word for 15 minutes as Sidney and Tatum conversed the day away; obviously, anyone with common sense would see that you weren't in the best of moods.

"What's wrong with you?" Tatum says, cocking her head to the side and crossing her arms. But now you wonder what's wrong with me.

"I don't know, Tatum. Maybe it's the fact I have panic attacks on the regular, or maybe because I've been in a near-death situation, or maybe it's the fact that my 'Best Friends' don't give two shits about me." You stood at full frame and got in Tatum's face. Tatum's expression went from one of her usual default sarcasms to offense.

"Well, it's not my fault you don't come and talk to me about these things." Tatum raises her hand and pokes your chest repeatedly after each word. You grab her by the wrist and snatch her arm away, Sidney staring and rolling her eyes at the dispute.

"Jade. Tatum. I just want us to get along; Tatum's sorry, and Jade will do better." She sighs, grabs each of your hands, and stands between you, slightly angled toward Tatum.

"Yeah, go ahead and save Tatum. Fuck you." You spit out

"What do you mean, save Tatum?"

"Ever since we were fucking little Sidney, You and Tatum always ran to each other's fucking rescue, but I was left behind. Fucking Stu and Billy were there, and you weren't." Tears pooled in your eyes; your face was way warmer than it was a few moments ago. You tried biting your tongue; you really did, but the words kept spilling out like acid.

"You always made me protect you, but you were rarely ever protecting me. Yeah, you included me, but I was still fucking left out most of the time. Those sleepovers, 99% of the time you were with Sidney playing and gossiping."

Sidney just stood in silence, dropping your hands and taking a deep inhale.

"I have always been there for you. Who has a spare of clothes at my house. Who is constantly invited to wherever I go, even when she's having her little depression episodes. You. You want to be little Ms. Left Out so bad ever since you got fucking arrested and lost Kristina. You wanted sympathy." Tatum rolled her eyes after and raised her hands over her head with a shrug.

"Don't bring that up."

"Don't bring what up? When you went to juvie for hurting that poor soul for no reason or when you let someone die?"

"That was an accident, Tatum Riley. And you know it."

"You sitting and watching was an accident?"

Tatum was nearly centimeters from your face with her signature smirk, thinking she's won the argument by your sudden silence. All you could think of was the day that it happened.


You and Kristina ran up the stairs of an old abandoned building, you two thought it'd be perfect to tag and just relax in. It was all so nice and beautiful.

"Isn't this just great. The moon, deadly paint fumes, and you." She smiled gently and turned towards you, a hand reaching for yours, gently. "You know, I'm really happy we met, yeah?"

You gave a sweet smile and nod, and stood up on your feet, tripping over a loose piece of wood and near falling down in the gaping hole in the floor that led downstairs. "HEY!" Krist quickly grabbed both of your hands and pulled you up with all of her strength.

Your eyes were frantically looking around and you got close enough to the edge that you could pull yourself back up and-


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