𝑴𝒊 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒂 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒂

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You and the boys continue down the hallway for 2 more minutes until Stu places you down carefully.  You planted your feet on the floor and turned around to see Billy's face which had gone from playful to quite stern. What's wrong with him?  You look forward and see Sidney and Tatum, the latter staring intently at Billy. Sidney was doing the complete opposite, she couldn't even glance at him, she stared anywhere but where he was with her mouth sewn shut.  

"Hi, Sid. Can we talk a sec?" Billy walks up closer to her, gently speaking. He sounds hurt, you can't help but feel some negativity toward Sidney, after all he was innocent and she got him arrested. You'd be hurt too. 

Sidney refused to answer and Tatum had to step in for her, as usual.  "You know if I were accused of carving up two people, I'd take the opportunity to skip school." She scoffed. 

Stu crept up close to Tatum and stood with her at her locker, frowning. "Hey, go easy, Tatum. He didn't do it." Hearing this you came to Billy's defense as well. 

"Tatum, come on. Don't you think he feels shitty already? On top of spending the night in a jail cell and considered a suspect his girlfriend can't even look at him." You whisper sternly into her ear, knowing that if either Sidney or Billy heard they'd probably react in a distasteful way. 

You turn your attention from Stu and Tatum back to the other couple, you frowned at Billy's attempts to calm her. 

"Talk to me, Sid..." Billy reached his hand out to her and cupped her face. 

You found yourself slightly sucking in air in retaliation to him holding her like...that.
There was nothing you could do about it though, after all that is his girlfriend and you're just friends. You sat yourself down on the ground next to Tatum and Stu, playing with Stu's pant leg and twirling your necklaces around your finger.


A scream ran out out from one end of the hallway followed by a student in a Ghostface costume speeding past you and then running down the stairs. 

Sidney flinched out of her skin from the scream and the costume, shaking she spoke. "Why are they doing this?" Her voice was almost a whisper, sounding full of regret and pain. 

"Are you kidding? This is like Christmas." 

This earned Stu a punch from Billy, maybe not the best thing to say. I mean, I completely get where Stu is coming from but even though I'm not feeling the best toward my girlfriends, maybe not the time for that type of joke. I was attacked too you know.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~" Stu whined, loudly. You all knew that he didn't make that much of an impact on Stu but, leave it up to him to overdramatize everything. You loved it though. 

Billy rolled his eyes and grabbed Stu by the collar and pulled him down, "You open your mouth and stupidity pours out." 

"Billy, come on. He didn't mean it." You stood up and grabbed Billy's hand and gave him a sad glance and let him arm go once he dropped Stu's collar. "Can you two not argue today? or at least not by us. We're all tired." You sat down once more and pulled out your walkman and place your headphones on your ears. 

Billy stayed silent, Stu let a "sorry" out. Though, you're not sure if the sorry was meant for you or Billy.

Maybe I am losing my shit. I guess it's warranted since there's a psycho killer but I was just shaken up in the moment, it wasn't that much of an affect in the end. Everything just seems so bleak now. 

You reached to your bag and had pulled out a cassette decorated with skulls on the tape and stuck it in your Walkman.  The Pixies, Where is My Mind?. It's fitting. 

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