𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆

451 14 7

You walk to the parking lot where your motorcycle is parked. Stu finally walked off to go with Tatum, so you don't have to worry about a disturbance on your way home.


Goddamn it. You thought

You turn behind you slowly and smile, swinging your keys around your finger. Once you turn fully behind you, you notice who called your name. "OH MY GOD." You screamed on the inside, knowing that your plans to go home alone were absolutely screwed. "Hey, Billy. What's up?" You smiled at him, of course, pretending to be overjoyed to see him. You lean on your motorcycle and play with one of your necklaces.

"Why're you going home alone? Didn't you hear the, uh, announcement?" He stammered. Billy seemed nervous. Rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact with you. You thought he had some unease about the entire situation. I mean, who wouldn't? It's the murder of a friend. You watched his face a bit more and decided to go home with him.

"Billy, you want to come with me?" You grinned, teasing him a bit for his reaction. His eyes snapped up at you, and he smirked. "Couldn't've asked sooner, doll." Billy takes the lead and gets on your motorcycle first, putting on the helmet and patting the back of the leather seats. This gesture felt good. Usually, you're forced to take the lead and be the dominant figure in most situations, but this is different. Just the slight feeling of being cared for. Smiling, you sit on the back and wrap your arms around him, breathing in his scent of cologne. The scent was woody and fresh, comforting yet assertive like him.

He glides his hands over to the handles and kicks up the stand; you two exit the school lot. Being bored, you two decided to ride around. While you two were riding around, you picked up some things from Billy's favorite store. You two arrive at a horror store—well, a horror-themed store. Billy opened the door for you two, and you immediately set your eyes on a Halloween Michael Myers mask. Noticing you didn't have the money for it, you sigh, watching Billy's eyes light up at a Psycho movie poster. You smiled at the sight; honestly, you thought Billy was adorable when he showed how he felt about things. The slight smiles, the way his gaze softens—it just feels nice.

I love seeing my friends happy.

"Doll, do you want that?" Immediately snapped out of your thoughts, you turn your head towards Billy, playing with your rings. You ask him to repeat and reply, "Uhm, yeah, a little."

Your face absolutely gave away the fact that you wanted it with your entire soul, and you would put a bounty out just to have it. Billy slithered over to you, rubbing his hands from your shoulders down to your wrists' "Do you really want it that little, doll?" He whispered into your ear from behind. His frame towered over you, being 6'0 and all. The feeling of his breath on your neck and his raspy voice made you feel a certain way that you wanted to brush off. I mean, after all, it was your good friend's boyfriend. Though you wanted him first, you pushed the feelings away and let him stay just a friend.

"Okay, fine, maybe a lot. But it's not necessary, Billy." You sigh, turning around and looking up at him and cupping his face. "Now, go get that Psycho poster you wanted." Billy sighed in defeat and walked past you to grab the poster, but what you didn't know was that he had grabbed the Myer's Mask while you were distracted by the cashier. "Hey, how much for these?" Billy asked the cashier discreetly, holding his hand to the side of his face so you couldn't decipher what he had said. You walked out of the store with him after he grabbed the plastic bag adorned with comic strips of horror and a Buck 150, as well as a kitchen knife and chainsaw. A nod to your favorite slashers. You sigh loudly after feeling disappointed that you couldn't get the mask on, which was met with a tap to your shoulder.

"WHAT THE FUCK? Fuck you, Loomis. Fuck you." You yelped in fear at the sight of Billy in the Michael Mask; he snickered at the sight of your fear. "I'm not that scary, Y/N." Billy smirked, "Unless you want me to be." He whispered into your ear and giggled at your face. "Shut up." You two made it to your motorcycle, and you sighed loudly, getting onto the back of it while he handed you the mask. "All yours, doll." He squished your face in between his thumb and the rest of his fingers, mimicking the face that came out. He reached over and started up the motorcycle, leaving the parking lot.


"Welcome home." Billy smiled at you and got off the motorcycle, placing a hand behind your back and guiding you to your door. "Hey, you gonna be okay?" He looks at your face and notices you're still looking straight ahead. He reaches a hand lower and hooks your chin between his thumbs, making you look up at him. "You didn't answer, Doll." He squinted an eye at you and clicked his tongue.

"If I say yes, will I be let free?" You stick your tongue out at Billy and lean towards him slowly; (from someone on the outside looking in, it'd look like you were leaning into him to kiss him and Billy thought so too), and you grab your bag. Leaving him holding his fingers against his lips and watching you walk into the door.

He sighed loudly and turned around. "Next time." Billy had properly parked your motorcycle where it had been that morning and turned around to go to his house. "I'm so glad you moved, doll." Now you're close to me." He smirked to himself and walked a little further, entering his home.


"MY GOD." You sighed loudly and collapsed on the couch in your living room, blowing air out of your lips. You stretch and walk up the stairs to your room. Stroking your hands against the walls and breathing deeply whenever you touched a cool piece of metal around the wall. After stepping up the stairs and opening your room, The walls were covered with horror and rock band posters to the point where you couldn't see the chipping black paint behind them. Though most of the walls were covered in your outward appearance and interests, there was one wall that you kept normal. A Sakura pink wall covered in shelves of Hello Kitty merchandise, Tamagotchi, porcelain dolls, and other stereotypically feminine things. You didn't deny the fact that you had an interest in such things, but nobody ever asks you what you like. Not anymore, at least. The only people that had asked were Stu, Billy, and Randy.

You went to the pink wall and sighed, staring at the clothes you had folded on one of the shelves. You reached your hand over and grabbed it, and you started to change into a soft pink nightgown. You took down your hair and removed your makeup. You sat with your head in the water for a little bit longer than you needed to; the warm water soon turned cold, and that was your cue to move.


It's not that late. He brought you home on time since school gets out at 3:35.

Ring Ring. 

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