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You awake to the smell of pancakes and coffee and find yourself walking to Tatum's bathroom in a daze. You stretched as far as you could and took your spare clothes out of the box she had left for you and started a shower and did your daily morning routine, or at least as well as you could in someone else's bathroom. 

"The morning sun shines high over Woodsboro Townsquare. Cars come to life, townsfolk stir as the picture postcard community awakens from a restless sleep."

The sound of the television rung in your ears.  You were making your way to the table when you heard someone snap their fingers at you, you jolted your head toward the noise and saw Dewey on the phone ushering you toward him. Confused, you obliged and he encased you in a hug and mouthed the words "You okay?" 

"No. "

Was the word you wanted to say but as to not burden or inconvenience anyone you just nodded and gave a smile. 

You sat down in your designated area, the seat on the other side of the table, alone. You loved Tatum, you really did, but she could sometimes neglect you if Sidney was nearby so naturally, to avoid the feeling of being forgotten you just, separated yourself. 

"Y/N, here's your plate. I made it the way you love it." Mama Riley smiled gently at you and gave you a squeeze before setting it down in front of you, a glass of your favorite beverage following this action.  You stared at your plate, you loved it, you really did but you were so uneasy you couldn't eat it all. You picked at each part of the plate and ate as much as you physically could. 

Zoning out, all you could think of was Billy. 

I'm so happy he isn't the killer but why do I feel so bad about all of this? Something isn't right and I don't know what it is yet. I can't wait to see his face and hug him again, just something to prove to me that he's not a monster, that he's gentle, caring. What if it's all just an act and he really is a murderer? What if he's just using us as cover and he never wanted to care for me and I was jus- 

Your thoughts were cut short. 

"I think you girls really should stay home today." Mama Riley stands at the sink and sighs, she was genuinely concerned about all of you but then again who wouldn't've?

Tatum and Sidney were quick to reply of course, Tatum with her signature sarcasm and Sidney with her humble mouse voice. 

"Your opinion is duly noted."
"I'd rather be around a lot of people, Mama Riley."

Before you could even reply or process your thoughts the name "Sidney Prescott" rang out of the Television, all eyes snapped to the screen in anticipation of what words would come out. Why were they bringing her up? Last Night? Her Mom? Your questions were quickly answered.

 "..who escaped a vicious attack last night  was the daughter of Maureen Prescott who was brutally killed last year when convicted murderer Cotton Weary." The news reporter had finished broke into their home and savagely raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton Weary is currently awaiting appeal for the death sentence handed down after the young Sidney testified against him. She was the key witness in the state's prosecution." 

Sidney frowned and stared down at her plate and spoke. "It's never gonna stop is it?" she turns to look up at you. Knowing the answer to the question, all you could do was shrug and turn your head downward. 

"Billy was released. His cellular bill was clean. He didn't make those calls." Dewey spoke sternly but Sidney rapidly answered, she sounded almost agitated like she was being scolded or "misproved"
"Somebody called me, Dewey. I'm not making it up."
"I know. We're checking every cellular account in the county. Any calls made to you or Casey Becker are being cross- referenced. It's gonna take time but we'll find him."
"And my dad? Any word on him?" 

Sidney was desperate, no, desperate is an understatement. Of course she was, who were you to judge anyways? You just spent half of your night trying to justify the fact that Billy was innocent in your mind. 

Dewey shook his head and gestured toward all of you to get up to leave, without hesitation you stood up and grabbed your messenger bag and was the first to the door. "Hey, Dewey?" You said almost in a whisper, hoping he had heard you. 
"What is it?" 
"Can I pick the music and sit shotgun?" You give a small smile nudging his shoulder 
You give a cheer and smile "Love ya!" 

The car-ride was nice, there was nothing special about it but after all of the overwhelming stuff that happened, you couldn't help but find comfort in the mundane that you hadn't appreciated before. Yes, you loved long car-rides but you had never enjoyed the short ride to school as much as you did this morning. 

In the midst of stepping out of the car you saw paparazzi flooding the front yard with cameras, you started to walk off toward the school thanking the gods above that you hadn't reported or said anything about your attack until you felt a lack of people behind you. You spun around to see Sidney frozen in place, probably rethinking her preference of a lot of people.

"You'll be fine Sid." You muster up the strength to attempt to soothe her and Dewey joins in. "Hey it's just school. You'll be fine here." He gave her a sweet smile from the car and the second she had stepped out the car all hell broke loose.

The moment her foot made contact with the pavement a microphone was shoved to her face 

"How does it feel to almost be brutally murdered?" The reporter asked with a smile and poster voice. 

I don't get how you can ask that shit with a straight ass face. "How does it feel to be almost murdered" I dunno? You want me to give you an example? lord have fucking mercy  Thank god I didn't report my attack because I ain't tryna have the reporters up my ass, I can barely function with the friend group I already have. 

Dewey immediately had hopped out of the car before Sidney had the chance to react and responded almost desperately. "Leave the girl alone, will ya? She wants to go to school." 
Just as he came in and saved the day another inconvenience made itself known. Gale Weathers' van slowly pulled up to the school and Sidney was already eyeing it. Obviously Tatum noticed us staring and nudged Sidney to come with her into the school as Gale exited the van. 

"Come on, Sid." 

Sidney was completely dismissive, like a zombie... Or a dog. A dog works. 
"Just a sec.. I..I need to talk to someone." she said daze-like, it was like she was hypnotized, entrapped in her thoughts. In the end Tatum couldn't restrain her forever, Sidney walked up to Gale with a smile plastered on her face. 

"Tatum, maybe Sidney's gonna gut Gale like they did Casey." you scoff and turn to Tatum who doesn't look at all amused. "I'm not sure if you're just uninterested in me and you're paying attention to Sid or if it was the joke." you ask with a sigh. 


"Too soon." she responded after two minutes. 

You reply with a nod and squat down to the floor waiting for Sidney, after a little Tatum goes up to her. "Guess I'll just walk in by my fucking self then." You groan and stand up, fixing your bag and swinging the doors open. 

"Hey, doll?" you heard a very familiar voice echoes from the end of the Hallway. 

You immediately spun your entire body around to see the source of it. "Billy!? Billy!" You run toward him and jump like this is the last hug you'll ever get from him. "I knew you didn't do it, I knew it." This got a chuckle out of him and right before he was gonna put you down you were scooped up once more. 

"Not so fast, Princess." Stu smiles stupidly and throws you over his shoulder like that day. What were they arguing about afterall? I mean obviously it had to do with me but why would they blame eachother?  You thought to yourself as Stu carried you  as he followed Billy. 


"Hm?" he hummed

"Walk us in front of Billy so I can make eye contact." 

Stu sped up his walking and stood far enough so Billy didn't bump into you and everything would be fine


"Yes, Y/N?" 

"Fuck you, Cunt."

"You have such a way with words." 

Stu chuckled and so did Billy, it was always different with them, they made you feel safe. You don't blame Sidney and Tatum but you just always feel left out but with them, you're free. They always make sure everyone is okay. You're never second best. 

Maybe that's why you fell in love.

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