Feeling sick of myself

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     "Miss L/N. Pick up your head." My eyes jerk open and my head reluctantly lifts up. I yawn and lean back on my chair. The teacher bends down to grab papers from his desk and I turn my head to look out the window.
     "We could be doing boring old career exploration packets but let's be honest, I know all of you want to be Hero's" The class starts to explode in excitement as the teacher throws the papers into the air. And everyone starts to show off their quirks. The teacher looks through a sheet and scans through it.

     "Bakugou and L/N you guys plan on applying to UA correct?" Bakugou turns his head to me as I nod my head "I'm not going to let some Girl get in my way of being the first person from this pathetic school to make it in the big leagues" I roll my eyes and turn to face the front of the class.
     "Ah, Midoriya it seems you are trying to get into UA as well" I turn my head to look at him as the class erupts in Laughter. I look at him sternly, slightly shaking my head in disapproval and turn my head back down laying my face in my arms. The class starts to ridicule him and it starts to quiet down.
Class finally ends and once I pack all my stuff up everyone is gone, except for Bakugou's 'gang' and of course, Midoriya. As I walk past them, Bakugou tries to throw Midoriya's notebook out the window. As it passes me i reach my arm over my shoulder and attach a web to it, pulling it back to my hand. I walk over to Midoriya to give it back, I place the book on his desk, ignoring him as a whole and divert my attention to Bakugou.
     "Don't pick on people because their less capable then you Katsuki." I sigh. "You have no right to call me that, you pathetic Insect." I shake my head and walk out the door.
I sigh, pulling my phone out of my pocket and scrolling through my socials. My body tingles and i stop, turning around about to see Midoriya tap my shoulder. I close my phone and turn to him fully.
    "Hey, L/N thanks for saving my book back there, I would totally do something myself but I just thought that maybe-" "look it's not a big deal. Katsuki's a dick just don't annoy him anymore, K?" He pauses and nods as I start walking away and rolling my eyes. "Do you know Kacchan personally?" The kid blurts out. I shut my eyes in annoyance and open them again, "No, I don't. If your wondering why I say his first name it's because it pisses him off." I say and continue walking again. Finally Midoriya stops talking, sighs, and walks away.



     I'm walking through the busy crowds looking for something to do. The loud noise and voices of people talking and laughing hurts my ears and I feel my head pounding. My eyes set on a small cafe and I walk in, there's hardly anyone inside, I set my bag down, taking out my notebook. I start on my homework trying to ignore the urge of going on my phone. I cringe at the sight of math equations.
My backpack zips close as i finish homework and put my stuff away. I scroll through instagram to see a new post from 'UA' I sigh reading the post, "entrance exams for new heroes countdown starts now! time left: 10 months" At least if i make it in UA i can do interesting stuff instead of worrying math homework all the time.

The door cafe shuts behind me I continue walking down the street, i look up from my phone and hear distant screams and yelling. theres chills all throughout my body again, i make my way over to the crowd of people. To my surprise I see a kid  getting attacked by some blob creature. I hurry my way towards the front of the crowd to get a better look, theres still people in front of me but i'm close enough to realize that it's Bakugou getting attack. people are concerned and worrying.
Im frozen, I tell myself i have what it takes to be a hero but i cant even bring myself to do anything for this one person. My mind is rushing with possible solutions of what to do. I finally bring myself to make my way towards him, pushing through the crowd once more and thinking of a better plan on the way. But i stop when I see a kid run over to Bakugou trying to dig him out. Giving him a chance to breathe.
My mouth slightly falls open when I see Midoriya.  He's the kid trying to get Bakugou some time to breathe. My mind goes blank and it's like everything stops for a minute. Finally I'm brought back to focus when a police officer bumps into me. I notice them trying to call Midoriya back to safety, I notice all of them try to help as much as possible, but none of their quirks can help in this situation, so I use my webs to forcefully pull him back. I grab onto his shirt bringing his body off the ground. my mouth opens about to say some but, The officers are trying to scold him, he's looking at me, my face. My expression of him is just disgust. He's paying no attention to the officers just reading my expression. He's knows exactly what i'm going to say but, I'll put it into words anyways.
"What the fuck are you thinking, Idiot!?"

I release him and he falls onto his back and I watch all might come into action. And see Bakugou brought to safety I turn to Midoriya and I glare at him. "Look. I understand that you feel left out because you don't have a quirk, and although I can sympathize, you can't just be an idiot and try to get into danger because like the rest of us, you have nothing to save your sorry ass." I storm off and walk off.


My middle school got the following day off after the 'traumatic event' So i got up late and made my way to the gym, I played music in my headphones and worked out for a few hours. Everything was peaceful until my body tingled again, my senses have really been acting up recently. I looked at the door and see no other than Bakugou and his 'gang' or I should say his 'spotters' I roll my eyes and continue on, minding my business. Until I hear laughing. I sigh, putting down my weights and turn around. "If you actually believe you'll make it into UA, you're as psychotic as Deku." He laughs with his friends. "Well, it's nice for us simple folk to dream I suppose. But I hope you have fun getting waitlisted" I give him a sweet smile and pick my weights up again. "At least i wouldn't be flat out rejected" He says scoffing. I ignore him and pretend to not hear him over my music. I point to the headphones and nod my head no with a smile, mouthing 'No, I cant hear you' He rolls his eyes and leaves starting his own workout.

When we did go back to school it was mostly the same stuff, math, english, science, history, etc. I would just put my airpods in, cover them with my hair and lay my head in my arms. Somehow I managed to get good grades by just studying for everything at home. It was like this for the next few months. And every month UA would post a countdown update "T-minus 9 months" "T-minus 8 months" "T-minus 7 months"
Until it was finally the day of the entrance exam.

I was sitting by two other girls during the instructional speech about the exam. We never talked to eachother but by the time we were about to start. I realized Midoriya was not kidding. For some reason he was here. Applying to UA. We made eye contact and i just furrowed my eyebrows as the doors opened. I swung myself in, being the first person inside. I looked around for robots and they were all quite easy to destroy so getting points was pretty much a breeze. We had a few minutes left and i was standing on the side of a building looking for any remaining robots to stack up any extra points I could find. Suddenly the ground and the building i was on shook. I ran up to the roof, now being straight up again, My eyes widened when I saw a huge robot I saw people trying to run from it and a few falling down. I swung down and grabbed some of the people on the ground I placed them at the front gate and ran back to find anyone else. It looked like no one else needed help, but then I heard a big swoosh noise. I looked up at the robot and saw a kid about to punch it. I squinted trying to see who it was.
I was in shock. The kid landed a hit and it was strong too. The robot was falling and so was the kid, I was frozen, luckily there was another girl who helped him before he landed but It was Midoriya. He somehow had a quirk. That was strong. This kid who I'd known for so long as the useless loser, suddenly had a quirk.

I lied in my bed, hair wet from showering and what happened kept playing in my head. Maybe he was like me? My quirk isn't spider I was just bit by a radioactive spider. But what radioactive animal could have caused that sudden power? Definitely not a spider like me. But a bite from a spider, theres no way he could control a new found power if he didn't already have a quirk in his blood could he? No. Theres no way he got bit, did he actually have a quirk his whole life and just never said anything. I mean i guess I never bragged my quirk until I got bit. So that has to be it. He always had a power and just chose to never tell anyone.

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