try as hard as i can

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I make my way to my bed and make a setup for an all nighter to study. Final exams are tomorrow and I haven't had a solid day set to study yet. I grab a blanket, some snacks my laptop, paper, notecards, etc. I check the time and write down my starting time. '7:23' I sigh and open up the laptop starting to jot down notes.
I yawn after a long time of studying, I check the time again and sigh, '11:47' I jot that down and head downstairs to get some redbull. I bring the bottle up to my room and chug half of it. It starts to kick in after a while and I feel refreshed. I kept studying until 5:30am then I decided to start getting ready. I take a quick shower, do my hair makeup and put on my uniform. I make sure to grab my notes for a quick review on the way to school. I head downstairs again and make myself iced coffee because I do currently feel like passing put from exhaustion. I grab my backpack and head to school, I pop in an airpod and review my papers and notecards, still sipping on my coffee.

I walk through the door and greet Kirishima, I talk to him about how nervous I am for the finals. The door opens and Bakugou walks in, kirishima waves him over and we ask him what he thinks about the finals, "I'm not scared for those stupid finals" I sigh, "is this training camp even worth this much stress" I mutter. Me and Kirishima look through our notes again and quiz eachother, "all I know is that I'm gonna beat Deku  and that damn icy hot" Bakugou yells, I turn to look at him and plug my ears, "why are you yellin-" "HEY DEKU. IM GONNA BEAT YOU IN THESE LOWSEY FINALS AND THE PRACTICALS ALSO" I roll my eyes as Bakugou keeps trying to brag to Midoriya and Todoroki how much he's trained. Aizawa walks in and me and Kirishima slam our heads against our desk. I pick up my notes and put them back in my bag. He passes out the tests and I surprisingly feel like I know most of the questions, I hear Yayorozu flip her page and I slightly deadpan, followed by Bakugou and a few other people. I finally get to the second page and answer all the questions. I put my pencil down and see Bakugou already finished. Kirishima is closing his eyes and checking off random things, after a few minutes Aizawa collects the tests. Mina and denki jump up and start to thank Yayorozu for helping them, kirishima looks at them and sighs, "I knew I should have gotten her help." Kirishima puts his head on his desk, "SO WHAT YOUR SAYING IS I DIDNT TEACH YOU WELL ENOUGH" Bakugou screams at Kirishima. Kiri picks up his head, "well you yelled at me the whole time. Y/N was a bigger help and I only asked her a few questions this morning" I laugh and Kirishima puts his head in his hands. fake crys, I laugh at that too and reminded Kirishima we still had two more days of finals.

     The 2 days went by the same and it was finally time for the practical, we heard rumors from the upper class men that it just like the entrance exam and that we would be fighting robots. But no one was for sure,
      In front of the exam building, we're greeted by a bunch of pros. We're all in our costumes already, I'm standing next to Mina. Principal Nezu explains that we're working in partners, Bakugou and Midoriya get paired together and me and Kirishima look at each other then looking around like we don't realize the tension of what just happened, we hear their paired with All might. Me and mina see Kirishima put a hand on Bakugous shoulder and me and mina laugh, "Bakubro, I will keep you in memory at the training camp" kirishima says, "we will forever honor your attempts to defeat all might. I believe in you" I say,  Kirishima laughs, "Bakugou, I would say I believed in you too but, theres no your not defeating fucking all might, see you in a few weeks." Mina adds on three of us walk away laughing and Bakugou yells at us about how strong he is, we turn back to look at him and turn our back around nodding our heads, "rest in peace soilder" Mina sighs.

     I wait for my name and I finally, I hear it. I look at Tokoyami and tsu, i walk up to them and we immediately try to find a strategy, we decided on an idea that all three of us contributed too. we all went to watch Kirishima and satos match. We walk to the room, seeing Midoriya and Uraraka watching too, we watch Kirishima and Sato trying to get to cementos through his concrete, after all the punch and digging, they burn out. I sigh when I watch them slowly dissolving any chance they had of winning. I place my arms on the metal fence and cup my face in my hands, Midoriya goes on a rant explaining their weaknesses, I can't help but roll my eyes. I cringe when I see Kirishima knocked out. Tokoyami, Tsu, and me are next so we start to walk out and prepare for our match.

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