say it back

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     Somehow hit Katsuki.

I watch in shock Katsuki starts to fall from the sky. I can't move, or think, I can't even comprehend what just happened. Todoroki catches his body. "SHOTO!" The hero's behind me yell, "LET HIM GO SHE'LL GRAB HIM" Todoroki obliges and throw him down. I still can't think. But my body moves by itself and Use my webs to pull him down to me. I embrace him, And once i see the blood seeping out of him. I realize whats happening, I start to cry, "Katsuki?" I say softly brushing his hair out of his face, my tears start to pile up on him, "Katsuki..?" I ask, smiling. Hoping he's just asleep. Theres no answer, I start to cry more. "Katsuki, answer me!" i shake him, The heroes beside me rip me off of Katsuki, starting to tend to his injuries. I can do nothing but sit there and cry. I'm to weak to get up. I watch Katsuki take small unsteady breaths. But after least he's still alive. I hear more commotion but I couldn't care less. All that matters is Katsuki. I take his hand and I feel him squeeze it, slightly. "Please katsuki.. Please you can't leave me.." I say over sobs, his eyes weakly open. He reaches his hand to the side of my face, "You look so.. beautiful.." He says. I smile and laugh over my crys. Tenya comes running in, "Whats happened! Mr. Aizawa!" He yells out, Katsukis eyes close again,I slowly wipe my tears. "Tenya.. Take Katsuki, please.. The other 2 heroes can take Aizawa.." I say, "You need to come too, I cannot believe Bakugou let you come out here without a limb.." He scolds, "Oh.." He says when He sees my leg back. "You are still coming." Tenya demands, Theres a big rumble and suddenly I watch as Shigaraki Gets lifted into a giants hands. I see Blue flames, then I remember a conversation me and Tokoyami had with hawks, then I realize I hadn't seen him. "Do you know.. If hawks is okay?" I ask Tenya, "No. Tokoyami brought him in, he might not make it." I know exactly who caused that. Without thinking I find myself attaching a web to the giant. "where did that brat spider go..?" I hear Katsuki say softly, Then I Pause..
      Do I go back to katsuki..?

"Hey, There you are!" A villain yells, "From all the way up here, everyone looks like tiny little ants. Ah. Shoto's with you." The villain continues. My mind is made up, I zip back to Katsuki's side, he complains about Iida holding him. I laugh, "Dabi.!" I hear Endeavor yell. I look back and watch Dabi poor water on his hair, "hey now, don't be rude. You're acting like we've never met.. Call me Toya. After Ll, it's the name you and Mom gave me." My eyes widen as I realize who that is. Fuyumi gave us a talk about him. Toya. Shoto's late brother. Anyone could tell the shock on both of their faces also. "yeah i know my face is still pretty disgusting now. But it's still surprising my own family didn't recognize me. It's honestly pretty crappy." He says,

       I continue with Tenya and Katsuki, Although I want to know what happened, Katsuki is my number 1 Priority right now. And after how hard Fuyumi works to make her family seem normal, I can't imagine throwing away her hard work by listening to this private conversation. I know Katsuki heard this, His eyes hitched when heard the part about Best Jeanist being dead, but then, Ropes were holding everything back. It was him, The number 3 hero. "And they said he was missing. Shows what they know." Katsuki coughs, "What I know. Is you need to stop talking or you'll die." I scold. As I watch all the action going down, i feel myself get more tired. I know this is the worst time to give up. I use my webs to swing up onto machia. I see a black hair man on his computer. I stab him, despite his pleading. I move onto Shigaraki and the lizard. I feel machia move then I hear Shigaraki talk, "Destroy everything. Except the spider girl." He says looking at me, "You should join us." He says weakly. I laugh, "Couldn't get Katsuki on your side so you moved onto me." I tease. I jump at him when I see hado doing the same thing. But We're pushed away from him because of the blue flames. "fuckkk thats hot." I groan, part of my costume burned up. I swing towards Dabi, but Todoroki gets there first. The heat is to much so I cant shoot any webs in. Or blood webs, So I move back to find any other villains. Before I find any I realize Machia is breaking his ropes, I know Shigaraki wants me to go back to the base so my hands are practically tied. I swing back down but not before Dabi burns me again, Making me free fall. I flip him off while I'm falling then attach a web onto Machia and hop down. Then I see Nomu coming in. I sigh and re climb up onto the same thread Best Jeanist is on, "I've got these big boys." I say into comms. I turn to Best jeanist, "Thanks for looking after Katsuki." I say, "You must be Y/N" he answers, I nod my head. "Are you sure you can take them all on alone?" He asks, I laugh, "So katsuki told you my name but not how good I am." I joke. They start to get closer and I hear people on comms asking if I'm sure I don't need help, "Me and Mirko took on Nomu of higher level then this. You guys struggle to kill lower level ones. If you come up here, cant promise you'll be safe." I say sternly. As on gets in range.
      I attach a web to the one in the front and wave goodbye to the hero, I circle around the nomu's neck and pierce it with blood webs all around. Its neck is softer than the other Nomu I used this tactic on. I kicked the webs through the neck completely, taking one out. The next two coming for us both have their brains easily accessible, I tie a web around them both and I use a blood web to impale its head through its brain. Then, I realize one got behind me and was about to get best jeanist. I turned to try and stop him, but the other nomu bit down on me. I thought it was over, until the last person I expected killed the nomu.

     Mirio was back.

      I smiled and attached a web to a thread, I used the moment to kick the last remaining Nomu. I climbed up this body and looked to Mirio. I took a knee and extended my arms, letting him kill the last one. We jumped on the thread and I hugged him, "Nice to see ya, little prodigy" He said rubbing my hair. I smiled, "You call me that because I figured out your very obvious power?" I laugh, "Maybe i'll call you co-parent instead." He jokes. I see sparkly explosions pass by me and I look, "Katsuki.. You're severely injured, you need to go back down there." He just looks at me, I know what he's trying to bring up, Lemillion looks to me confused, "I started this mission with Mirko, trying to capture the doctor, Nomu attacked, a lot worse then these ones. And I had to amputate my leg.. Then I made katsuki bring me to the battlefield anyways.." I shrug, "So i'm guessing you unlocked a new power seeing as your legs back. I nod, "I can't take my eyes off you for a second! Ground yourself! You shouldn't be fighting!" Iida says, I watch as Katsuki tells Best Jeanist his hero name we picked out, "From now on you can call me.. Great Explosion murder God Dynamight, Got it?" He exclaims, I sigh, "Katsuki! Tell him your actual name." I scold, "It's actually just Dynamite.." He sighs, and starts falling to the ground, I use my webs to let him fall easier. I sit next to him, "Looked good up there" I teased, pulling him up. "Didn't think I would die on ya?" He responded. Machia breaks free and I sigh. I watch endeavor go up to fight him. Then they both pass out.

I start to feel myself get more tired. I haven't seriously rested this whole time. I also have practically been fighting this whole time, I lean on katsuki like I was before, I close my eyes, then I hear people gasping, I don't even look back, "I don't even want to know what those gasps are for." I mumble into katsuki's chest. All the blood I lost is starting to get to me. i feel the dame shockwave that hit us before hit again. This time I could barely stand, same with Katsuki. We both go toppling over. I can't be done yet. I use my webs and try to sneak up on Shigaraki, Just like everyone else. I watch as Tomura goes off on some Nomu. Me and Izuku use the last of our strength to chase him, "You still havent given up.?" He scoffs, "Lets meet again.. I'll take both of your powers .." He says, using a shockwave to destroy the little amount of strength I had left. Leaving everything to go black.

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