never had a cavity.

6 0 0

     My body tingles and my body shoots forward. My eyes jolt open. I look around and see nothing, other than iv pumps inserted into my skin, and Kirishima, I pull them out and get up. At first I was a bit dizzy, and kiri scolded me, but then he balanced me, I forgot how much I missed him. I brought him into a hug and he laughed, "Someone missed me?" He jokes, "Hopefully Mina understands I just missed my best friend" I say. He tenses up, then laughs, we make way down the hall, I saw Mineta and he practically jumped, "You're alive!?" He yelled, "was there any reason I wouldn't be?" I said slightly annoyed, "Do you know where katsuki is?" I continued,  Mineta guided me to his room. I saw him yelling at the students in there. His head turned to me and he groaned, "I just can't get rid of you can I?" he scoffed, "funny guy" I joked, I hugged him and he rested his head on mine. "What happened to everybody?" He asks, "I'll tell you, 'kay? But you gotta try to stay calm." Sero says sadly, my heart starts to hurt and I'm scared of what he's going to say, "Todoroki's burned bad and Mr. Aizawa has some serious injuries, but they'll both pull through. Everyone else has regained consciousness except.. The doctors said Midoriya hasn't shown any signs of waking up. Y/N was on the brink of death from all the blood she lost, but they regulated it.." He explained, Katsuki immediately got up. Everyone tried to hold him back. But we were unsuccessful. We passed by Endeavors room, I saw familiar dirty blonde hair, "You keep going.." I say to katsuki, "Hawks..?" I question. The man turns around, I smile and run up to him. "hey kid!" his automatic voice said, "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you.. I heard about what happened, If I just didn't pass out after helping Mirko I could have" I stammered on, "wow slow down kid, You didn't need to help me, and why did you pass out after helping Mirko..? She said she was gonna take care of you." He scolded, "That's right.. I was there when you woke up Y/N... And you know your leg was gone, I didn't even realize it was ever gone by the way you were fighting though" Todoroki adds in, "You lost a leg in battle?" Hawks questions, "I amputated my leg to keep fighting.." I shrug, "But hey, now I know of a new power I have" I say trying to lighten the mood. He shakes his head, "Damn kid, who mentored you.. You really are a badass" Hawks said, I laughed. I look over to Endeavor and he motions me to come over, "You did more than anyone in that fight.. You barely ever had a rest.. You beat me, I mean it when I say you will out do me one day." Endeavor lectures, I smile and nod. "Thank you sir." I bow slightly and start to walk out, I offer Todoroki a high five but he seems confused, I lightly grab his hand and connect it to mine, then I walk back out of the room.
      Katsuki hadn't made it to far, I could catch up to him still pretty easily.


      "Guys this is super bad! I got a letter from Midoriya on my door!" Mineta yells, "yeah we all did." Denki groans, The letter explains how he's leaving UA because of his power, The others letters got info on what his quirk is. There was one part I couldn't help but laugh at, "I remember when you saved my notebook that one day, from Kacchan. Thank you for that, one day I'll repay you. I promise" He wrote. I laughed at it, and cried a bit too. I walk out of my room and knock on Katsuki's door. He opens it slowly and I look at him, his eyes are puffy. I softly smile and hug him, He continues looking into the distance.
       "well... what do we do now.." I back away from him looking up into his eyes. He looks down at me and hugs me strongly, "I don't know. Y/N I have no clue what to do." Katsuki cries into my shoulder, my hand makes way to his hair and i softly scratch his head, "well, we can go help him.." I say, katsuki pauses, "yeah. Yeah let's do that..." he says laying down, me with him. "We sigh and get up, let's tell the others..." he says, I hold onto his hand letting him lead me down as I scroll through my phone looking for hawks' number. I bring the phone to my ear and it immediately goes to voicemail. I frown and put the phone back in my pocket and start walking next to katsuki hand free. I shake my head to him and then we make it down. Todoroki and tokoyami were here as well saying the same things as us. We all decide to meet with endeavor and talk to him about this matter, when we arrived endeavor seems a bit shocked. Todoroki and Bakugou say things about midoriya and our class all agrees to help him.


     "Over here. I found him." Katsuki says, I swing next to katsuki and look at the shocked expression on izukus face. "the villian is secured bakugou." Momo says, "Its great explosion murder god dynamite dammit!" He yells, i hit his head. "Your official hero name is dynamite. You can be adding shit on there idiot." I scold him, "Oh. Right! I forgot! Sorry dynamite!" Momo apologizes, bakugou groans at the lack of adjectives in his hero name and turns to me, "Why are you guys here..?" Izuku says quietly, "because we're worried.." Uraraka says, "thats nice, but I promise im fine. Really." he responds, katsuki starts to clap, "oh yeah! great speech! just what we want from the great one for all successor! real talk. are you able to smile right now? Come on. Go ahead and show us." Izuku starts to explain that we need to go. I groan, "You're so immature." I murmur. Katsuki looks to me, "remember what I told you that day? The day I saved your stupid notebook. I told you that you could never be as strong as someone with a quirk." I pause, "But you tried helping katsuki anyways. now though, this whole power and quirk idea completely changed you for worse." I say, Iida starts to speak too, followed by katsuki scolding and ridiculing him.
      Izuku uses a smokescreen and I start to swing up onto the statue, I produce a long string of web and use it as a bow and arrow. I wait for izuku to make it into my line of sight, i pull back and release, Koda spawns in birds. He trys to escape with blackwhip but me and sero change the trajectory of it. Izuku goes to rip me and seros thread. I had a feeling he would so i infuse the web with blood. He stopped using blackwhip so my web lost balance, i start to fall to the ground. I had a chance to swing to a building and not get hurt, but I let myself fall to the floor. I sigh and feel water brimming in my eyes. Not from the fall, but from what izuku is saying to all of his classmates, I swing back up to the building he got thrown into. Sero mentions eri and candy apples, and I cross my arms over my chest waiting for his response, "anyone can make them. She doesn't need me." He says, My hand meets his face, slapping him. "She doesn't need you!? Am I psychotic or were you the one who made her smile? Am I insane or are you the one who she looks up to the most because you SAVED her. I love Eri from the bottom of my heart and I'm sure she loves me too. But there will always be a difference between the pure admiration she has for you. So don't say she doesn't need you. Because without you she would still be used for antiquirk medicines. Suffering alone." I say sternly.
    Momo and denki have their words with him. Midoriya breaks out of tokoyamis cage and leaves. I watch the plan our class made; from the window.

(erm sorry for like the month of inactivity 😣😣)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2024 ⏰

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