pull my head out the sand

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The next day at school were told about our agency and work studies. Bakugou has a bunch of offers and so does todoroki, even though I got 3rd I don't have as many as them. Aizawa teaches us how to check on how many we have and who they are. Me and Kirishima go through ours together and one stands out to me, "hm maybe I'll go here?" I say pointing at a specific email I got from a certain agency, "damn Y/N you got an offer from Hawks?" I shrug, "I'm not going to lie, Hawks was my first celebrity crush" I laugh and write his name on paper, I hear bakugou's desk creek so I turn and look at him, he scoffs and looks back at the paper. Kiri is laughing now, "I could totally see you with a Hawks poster in your room." He says. I pause, "It was actually in my closet.." I mumble. He laughs 10x harder now, "No way you actually had a poster!" He says wheezing, I chuckle a bit too and then continue looking through emails jotting down a few other agency's that caught my eye. I help Kirishima find a good agency for him and he ends up going with fourth-kind.

I turn to look over at Katsuki and he's already done. His head is resting in his arms so I poke his hair, it's surprisingly not pokey and actually soft. The first poke didn't wake him up so I poke him a few more times, he starts snoring Kirishima slaps his head. Nothing. "I guess bakubro is a deep sleeper" I nod and take his phone from out of his pocket. His password ended up being his birthday I open his Snapchat and me and Kiri spam his phone with photos of us. I look at his photos and his favorited ones, he has a few of the ones I sent him of us. I smile just barely. Then shake my head, I look at my contact name 'spidey🕷️' and my contact photo is some stupid photo kiri got of me during class. I post one of the photos of me and Kirishima on his story and caption it "I have a soft spot for them" we laugh at my idea and turn off his phone and slip it back into his pocket.

Bakugou finally woke up and I asked him what agency he was going to, "I'm going to the jeanist dudes thing" I smiled "hey I think him and hawks Agencies are near eachother maybe we'll see eachother, "your going to that damn birds agency?" He says emphasizing the word bird i nod, "Of course she did this girl is like Hawks number one fangirl" Kiri blurts, I laugh and shake my head, "oh by the way. I really appreciate that story you posted. It means so much to me and Kiri." Kiri turns his head over and nods in a heartfelt way, grabbing his heart as-well. Bakugou took out his phone and saw the story, he immediately deleted it. I pulled out my phone and took out the screenshot of his story, "I'll have it in my heart forever" I giggle and Katsuki try's reaching for my phone, I switch hands and then he stands up. I look up at him and he's towering over me. His eyes are actually pretty brown if anything, with just a hint of red. He very simply took the phone from me while I was busy looking at his eyes, and I didn't try to stop it. He stood there looking at me too, I think he realized what I was looking at, my eyes made their way to his lips. Thats when I broke put of this stupid trance and looked back at my desk. He deleted the picture of his story and I sighed laying my head in my arms.

     I drift asleep and wake up when I see a board on my desk, along with a marker and eraser. Midnight explains that we need to make your hero names, "be careful what you choose. The name sticks." Aizawa mutters out. Most people go right into writing their ideas for their hero names. I sit there and think for a while. A few people go up to the podium and tell us their names. An idea comes to mind and I right it down, I wait for a few more people to go and then I start to walk up there. I show my board that says, 'Spidey' I go walk back to my seat and Bakugou looks at me. He shows me his idea and I cringe at it, "that's so stupid. Plus I don't think they'll let you have that name, it's to.. violent" I say and he erases the words off the board. I grab my pen and take his board, and write down a certain word. He looks at the board carefully and doesn't erase it, He takes the board to the stand and shows everyone I smile at the words I wrote, 'dynamite' He walks back over and sits down. Then Kirishima goes up, 'red riot' he walks back and I give him a high five. We watch everyone go and I yawn and lean back. I take out my phone and take a picture of Kirishima posing with his name board, and he takes a picture of me posing with mine. Both me and Kirishima look at Bakugou and ask him to hold up his sign. He rolls his eyes and holds it up, I snap a pic and put my phone away. The rest of the day is all talk about the internship and crap but me and Kirishima mostly talk about what we'll do.

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