i like you.

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My eyes open and I jolt out of my bed,


Not my bed, a stretcher. I look around and see a trees surrounding me. I watch a familiar blonde irritatingly drag a hurt child into a tent near me. "Katsuki.." I question, not sure if I'm right. The blonde whips his head back towards me. He lets go on the child and rushes to me, he looks at me worriedly, "doesn't look like anything is wrong with you. What happened?" he asks, I shrug, "I don't remember..." I say trying to think. he sighs, "Well, come on get up." He says, I fold the blanket off me. And quickly get up, my body doesn't have balance, I start falling down. I feel katsuki catch me then take in a sharp breath, "That's weird.. I dont usually do that.." I laugh, His eyes are focused on my leg, or, my absence of a leg. I remember everything that happened now, having to cut off my leg in the fight. "oh.." I trail off, I feel tears start to prick my waterline. Katsuki noticed, he pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but cry into him, Katsuki softly trailed my back.
I wipe my tears and sit up straight, I stand up slowly, "You need to rest." katsuki scolds, I shake my head, "I'm continuing this fight." I say stubbornly. He sighs and I try to think of how I can move. I chuckle and turn katsuki around, I hop onto his back and he sighs, "You're actually laughing right now." He says, walking over to where the rest of class 1A was. He set me down and I leaned against him, Everyone asked me what happened and I just shook off their questions.
"I'm fighting Shigaraki, if anyone can move without touching the ground. form a Perimeter." I hear Endeavor say on comms. I look at Katsuki. I lean off of him so he can go, but he just pulls me back. "One for all." I hear shigaraki say on endeavors line. Me and Katsuki immediately look at eachother, then to Midoriya, Katsuki picks me up and he walks over to Midoriya, "You can't tell anyone about your power. The heroes would try to protect only you and the civilians." Katsuki says. Izuku looks at me, then back at Katsuki, Katsuki nods and Izuku smiles.
"I know." Midoriya states, "We need to get out of here." I state the obvious, Katsuki guides my hands around him more and he starts to run, along with Izuku. We try to run as far away from the Civilians as possible, Until we make it to buildings, I use my webs to swing from building to building, Izuku copies my movements with his new power and I laugh, "Looks like I'm not so special anymore am I?" I ask, "No! It's nothing like that!" Midoriya stammers, Katsuki uses his explosions to catch up with us in air.
"Hey this is Deku, Sorry I have to privately ping you. I think shigaraki is after me." Deku says into his comm, I can't hear what Endeavor is saying back, but I can figure it out from what Izuku is saying, "It'll have to wait, I'm to far away to have eyes on him, Especially given the dust in the air. If it looks like he's changing directions, can you give me a heads up?" He says, "Yeah pretty much what I expected! I can buy you more time. You evacuate the civilians!" Midoriya screams into his comms. "Alright, he said he's following us!" Izuku informs us, "I HEARD! You're the one not listening, That creep has leveled-up into a final boss!" Katsuki exclaims, "Uhm kacchan.. and Y/N.. Why are you following me!?" midoriya asks, Katsuki explains how Midoriya needs our help, "Wow! Thank you!" Izuku thanks, "Although I wont be much help if there no places to climb.." I add, "I'm just thankful you care enough to help" Izuku says, "You idiot. Don't think we're doing it for you. Don't think you're the main character on the battlefield. I just owe that piece a' crap villain a beat down." Katsuki explains, "It's my fault All Might had to hang up his costume and retire." Bakugou continues, I turn my head to him. Last time he brought up that subject he broke down. But from the look in his face, I can tell he's using it as fuel.

I feel a shock wave hit us, and then the radio in my ear makes a power off sound. "Fuck.." I groan. As we continue my whole body tingles, I know what that means, "He's here." I say. Suddenly Shigaraki is directly in front of us. I feel a swoosh of air and then i realize someone is carrying us out of the way, It gran torino, He explains to us how we should let the pros finish him. I know these 2 wont listen, so I mentally prepare myself now. We get thrown onto the ground, "You should be safe here." He says, "So. Bakugou knows your secret..? Toshinori told me. He didn't tell me about you though, L/N.." Gran torino interrogates, "she knows.." Midoriya says, We all turn our heads when we see Nomu. My breath hitches, "These fuckers again..." I laugh. "I really need Eri or something to heal up this leg." I say to myself, Gran torino Turns to me, "I didn't even notice." He says, "You should be out in a hospital" He says, "I already told her that. Stubborn idiot." Katsuki groans. Gran torino tells us to keep ourselves hidden, And flys off. Katsuki and Midoriya look almost scared, "It's fine.. They arent the high ends me and Mirko fought.." I say, "They're still gonna be difficult to fight though.. Especially this many.." I add. Katsuki looks back at me with a scold, My body tingles again, this time it's more than just a tingle. I can see what's going to happen. "Shigaraki is after Aizawa.." I state, Midoriya springs into action, I nod to Katsuki, "I'll be fine.. Go." I say, He leaves too.
My eyes widen, I have an idea. I have to make it quick, The type of Spider I was bitten by wasnt just a normal radioactive spider. The species of spider that bit me, is one of the only spiders known to be able to regenerate. And with my blood quirk. I can make it go my quicker. I pat my leg, "Okay quirk.. Dont let me down.

My original quirk was a shitty blood manipulation one. Not a cool one that can allow you to manipulate other peoples blood. Just my own blood, and only through an open wound. When I was 13 I was bitten by a radioactive spider. Not a quirk, a mutation. But together, A new part of my mutation was born, my blood webs. Thats how they work together, but separately.. I may be able to have my leg back.

I rip off the bandages covering the severed part of my leg. I focus on rebuilding my blood streams and vessels with my quirk. And then I use my quirk to start rebuilding my legs bones, muscles, and skin. I watch as my leg responds and now I keep that function going. Shigaraki is in my line of sight. Midoriya just attacked, Katsuki is about to jump into the action too. I'll be dead before I let them take all the glory.

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