a sweet tooth, for you

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      Monday morning, I woke up feeling super tired, I put on my uniform and make my way downstairs to get breakfast.

      Today at school we're being forced to practice appearing in the media, I assume it's because of how Bakugou acted on a news interview. First todoroki gets called up, Mount lady asks him a whole bunch if questions, and slightly flirts with him too. Which honestly makes everyone sorta uncomfortable, "If you gave a smile, I think you might send a girl into heart attack." "Girls will have a heart attack if I smile?" Todoroki says concerned. I deadpan, for someone so 'smart' he really is gullible. I get called up, and I realize how awkward this is. Mount lady asks me questions and tells me similar things to Todoroki, "If you just smile maybe you can end up like me, one of the most photographed female heroes in history" she says, continuing with the questions. I make sure to smile a bit, then she sends me off the stage. My smile immediately disappears when I step off the stage. Kirishima comes up to me, "Most photographed female hero, huh?" He says, I laugh, "Looking right at her" I say jokingly, "Well luckily I got some pictures of you in your teenage days, these will be worth a fortune someday" he says snapping some more pictures. I laugh again and roll my eyes. We watch everyone else go, and after Katsukis try we hear midnight whisper to all might "Maybe we should have Bakugou take Aizawa's route and try to avoid the media all together" Me and Kirishima laugh at the comment and Katsuki looks clueless. After everyone finishes, we get sent back to the dorms.

Tonight, there's a party being thrown at our dorm that me and Mina planned out since its Christmas, some other classes will be coming over later after they get some socializing in with their own classes. Everyone is dressed up in elf costumes, except for Katsuki and me. I'm wearing a Santa hat at least though, Katsuki is wearing his same old outfit. I look over to Bakugou and see Kiri and Denki pulling him away from the dorms, "LET GO OF ME SHITTY HAIR" He yells, I walk over to them and hand kiri my water bottle, "you guys want some 'eggnog" I say sarcastically, winking at them. Kiri smiles, letting go of Bakugou, takes off the lid and drinks some, he hands it off to Denki, and then it gets handed to Katsuki, He sips in then immediately hands it back to me, "You actually put eggnog in there" He says grossed out, "Uh yeah, I said that didn't I" I say rolling my eyes, "Bakubro, It's not just Eggnog, There's also alcohol in it too" Kirishima says while placing his hand on Bakugou's shoulder, "DO YOU THINK IM STUPID I KNOW THAT" He yells, Me and Denki put a finger up to our mouths signaling for him not to make a scene, "I Just don't like eggnog" He finishes. I sigh and walk away over to Mina.
The doors to our Dorms open and we're greeted by Class 1-B, Monoma makes a scene about what we're wearing, and kendo has to shut him up. A few minutes later classes for the second years come in also, I know less of them but still try to be friendly anyway. A fee other classes walk in and it's finally starting to look like a real party. My head looks over to the door when I hear it open again, I tun over to the 2 people that just walked in, Eri and Aizawa. Eri smiles when she sees me and I lift her up, "you look so adorable Eri" I say while setting her back down. "Trick or treat!" She says, "No. Wrong holiday." Aizawa groans, "So close Eri!!" Uraraka yells out, "In sickness and in health!" She says, "Nope that's even farther" Aizawa says walking away. Eri walks over to Uraraka and hands her some dyed eggs, I laugh and make my way over to Aizawa, "So I realize that this isn't exactly the perfect place for Eri to be right now" I say referring to the very alive party going on right behind me. "I can take her up to my Dorm and get her settled in, it is Saturday tomorrow after all, so that's our girls' day" Aizawa sighs and agrees. I run over to Eri and pick her up on my back. I walk through the crowds of people and hear multiple, "Hey L/N!" "L/N! What's up!" I respond to most and get stopped a few times from people wanting to say hi to Eri. Once I make it through the crowd, I turn my head to sorta face Eri, "Looks like you're quite popular" I tease, "what's popular?" Eri asks, "It means everyone loves you because you're awesome" I answer her she giggles and I open the door to my room, I hear the party start to clear out because of our unfortunately early curfew. I look around and see the water bottle filled with my Eggnog and hide it behind the TV, I take off my Santa hat and hand it to Eri, "so what do you want to do?" I ask her, "Could we have a fashion show?" She asks a little embarrassed. "Of course!!" I say excitedly. She smiles and head over to the closet and picks out a pink skirt, and a white off the shoulder top with a pink bow on it, she hands it to me, "Oh so you're picking out an outfit for me and I pick one out for you?" I ask, she nods her head and I look through my clothes, I pick a green dress and a cropped sweater for her. I take Eri over to my vanity and let her pick out some accessories, she chooses black glasses and a bow for my hair. She also puts red lipstick on me, and most of it is not even on my lips. I put some on her and hand her a hat, "okay you go first" Eri says pushing me into the bathroom, I hear a knock on the door, "Eri who's at the door?" I ask her. No response for a few seconds
then I hear her voice, "no one! I was just knocking cause I was bored" she says slightly giggling. A few minutes later I look at myself in my bathroom mirror and I cringe. It's okay because Eri picked it out, so she'll like it. I open the door, "You ready Eri?" I say, "YEAH!!" She yells, I step out and pose, followed by giggles, I look at her and see someone else on the bed. I take off my dark tinted glasses and once I recognize who it is I run back into the bathroom. Eri runs after me and pulls me back out, "No you have to strut" she says dragging me out of the bathroom. I sigh and Look Katsuki in the eyes, walking over to my bed. I make it to him and strut back to the bathroom, I call Eri in and I hand her the clothes I picked out for her. I sit on the bed next to Katsuki, still in my ridiculous clothes. He looks at me and slightly laughs, "Picked that out yourself?" He says sarcastically, "You're so funny" I say jokingly. I hear the door open, and I turn to look at Eri. My dress is dragging on the floor and my cropped sweater is basically like a normal one for her, the hat is way too big and almost falling off her head. I laugh and smile, she struts towards us and poses, walking back to the bathroom. I stand up and so does Katsuki, He leans in and gives me a kiss, I pull back, motioning my head to the door Eri is in. I look at his lips and see an outline of my crooked lipstick on them. I laugh and lead him to a mirror, he tries wiping it off while Eri walks out of the bathroom in her normal clothes again, she smiles then covers her eyes giggling. All three of us went downstairs to get some food and open presents. The night finally ends, and we all go our separate ways, Me and Eri head up to my dorm and head to sleep.

The next few days we all get sent back home to spend time with our families for the new year. Once we get back though, we are off to work studies, I obviously plan on working with hawks again and so does Tokoyami, Katsuki tells me he plans on working with endeavor, "like with Todoroki too?" I ask him, "unfortunately. Also, Deku is going there." He groans, me and Kirishima laugh at him.

"Hawks!!" I yell out, I'm greeted with those red wings. Tokoyami waves, "Hey kid, I've been waiting to see you guys" he says excitedly, and both gives us a hug. "Okay we don't have much time to lose. Tokoyami, go and help out the sidekicks and L/N come with me I wanna see if your webs have gotten any quicker" I follow hawks, Tokoyami goes off another way. "We going anywhere particular?" I ask trailing behind with my webs. "Yeah actually, I gotta pay someone a visit" He answers, speeding up more. So do I. Finally, he lands, and I hop down next to him. I see what we're here for, Endeavor. I see Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou all with Endeavor as well. "Oh, Hey L/N!" Midoriya says. This is the first time I've really seen Midoriya since Katsuki told me what was up with his power, "Hey Midoriya" I wave, "and hey Todoroki, and Katsuki" I smile when I say the last name. I walk over to him and give him a hug, then decide to give Midoriya an awkward side hug, and I give hild my hand out to todoroki for a high five, he seems a bit confused, i look around still with my hand up. I reach for his wrist and connect his palm to my hand. Then walk back over to Katsuki, "How's it so far?" I ask, "Stupid. Work studies are all stupid." Hawks hands Endeavor a book, "make sure you at least read the highlighted parts if you have time to read the whole thing." Hawks says seriously, which is really unlike him. "And! I have some for all of you!" Hawks says back to his normal self, handing everyone a book. Except me, "You'll get one once we get back. Alrighty, We're gonna head out. Good luck on your Work studies all 4 of you!" He say taking flight, I wave goodbye to Katsuki as me and Hawks start to leave.
       "guess what you get to do L/N?" Hawks says mischievously, I look over to him and cock my head to the side, "while I take out Tokoyami, You get to try finding a limit to your webs" He says smiling sarcastically. I hang my head down, "I hate you. Im not coming back to tour agency for any other work studies." I say, "yeah, yeah sure kid." he says waving me off and walking off with Tokoyami. One of Hawks's sidekicks follows me to the gym, and grabs a buckets. I take a see and start producing Webs, After 30 minutes I start to get outta breath. 1 hour goes by and I feel like giving up, Theres 38 buckets full of my webs now, "Keep pushing!!" The sidekick says, noticing how I'm about to give up. 15 minutes later My webs start to circut and suddenly I cant produce anymore, I fall back and take a lot of deep breaths. "Wow Spidey! I've never seen you run out of webs before!!" She says giving me a highfive, "Yeah i havent either" I respond. She takes a look at her Timer, "1:45 minutes" She says, I sigh, "Do you think thats good?" I ask, "Well You just used webs continuously right now, so in an actual fight when you take breaks between each production of webs you'll keep reproducing webs, so I would think your webs could last 10 or even 20x longer." she says, "BUT ANYWAYS, I'm gonna empty out these buckets!" She says nervously.

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