and you know i find it hard to understand

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          Our hero studies start and I'm staying at hawk's agency. He just let us patrol, and he helps Tokoyami learn to fly with dark shadow. We always go out flying and he helps me get faster. The work study isn't very interesting. It's the same thing, but whenever there is crime it's fun. I think hawks realized that we're getting bored with it so he tries to make it more interesting for us. We fight a few villains here and there, Until hawks got a phone call. We rush out on scene to help a mission to save a little girl.

          By the time we get there, the fight is practically over and Midoriya is fighting this dude with a mask, and has this girl on his back. He throws her up and I grab her with my webs. She's crying. I ruffle her hair and try to cam her down, "hey your okay now. You see that boy Down there fighting? He's making sure your safe. And so is everyone else here. She hugs me slightly and I cover her as the fight makes it up onto the floor level.

          I use blood webs to make a wall to protect Eri and me. I watch Midoriya intently, I look at the damage and wish I was here sooner. So I could help out, I look down at the little girl clinging to me and I'm grateful that at least I got to save this little one. The ambulances start to show up as the fight comes  to an end. Hawks tells me to help Mirio. I use a web to pull him up also. His eyes open slightly and he limps towards the medical field using me as support. Eri is clinging onto my free hand and I ask Mirio what happened, Eri starts crying again and I look down at her as Mirio gets loaded into the ambulance, "it's all my fault. The nice hero got shot and now his quirk is gone" she cries I pick her up and hand her to the other people on duty, "don't worry. He'll be fine. Nothing is your fault I pinky swear." I reach my pinky out for her to grab and they interlock, "now these nice people are gonna help your injuries, I have to go back and help." I run back to the action and watch Midoriya win that fight.

            The next few hours that followed was filled with blood, and tears. Eri reversed all the damage down to Midoriya. And the whole thing was over. I was only there at the end, but I still can feel the overwhelming pressure everyone is under. It's crazy to think of how much of a difference there is between me and Midoriya. He was invited to help and by the looks of it, he was one of the most helpful people here. And I showed up at the end working off of the things he already did.I clenched my hands hands and we start to leave to return back to the agency. That night I lay awake for most of it, I partially understand the hatred Katsuki has for Midoriya. I still dont understand what it was before. But watching that kid who was nothing compared to us just a few months ago, become someone we have to try hard to compete with in such a short amount of time is difficult to deal with. My eyes finally close and I feel my brain relax.


Once we return back to school we heard that eri would be staying on campus, she visits us and runs up to Midoriya, I turn around to look at her and so does Kiri and Bakugou. Her eyes Land on me and she runs up to me hugging me, I lift her up and she cries. My eyes widen and Mirio rushes over to me, "don't worry she's been crying like this whenever I bring you or Midoriya up." Mirio reassured me, "I'm so sorry that I hurt Mirio and caused you and Deku to go out of your way to save me" I smile and tuck her hair behind her ears, "don't worry Eri. You have done nothing at all." I set her down on the couch next to us and take a seat next to her. Bakugou is staring at me with jealousy. I cock an eyebrow at him, "how do you handle kids so easily." He huffs. I laugh at him as Kirishima sits next to me. I start to braid Eri's hair and Kirishima asks me to teach him. I show him how each strand crosses over and then I let him try. He starts to get the hang of it and Eri thanks me for the hair, everyone gets their time with her then they send her back with Mirio. I sigh and sit back on the couch, "I feel so bad." Bakugou cocks his head, "Mirio got shot with some quirk reverse bullet. And the hero that he was planning on being a sidekick for after graduation.. isn't in the best condition." Kiri sighs and sympathizes with me.

The day after school we received news that Eri is going to be living at UA officially now. I Hug her and she hugs me back. Nejire puts one side of her hair into a pigtail and I do the same on the other side, "we set up a room for her in the teachers dorm" Aizawa says, "aweee can't she stay with me for one night" i ask him, "i don't think your mature enough for that." He replied, bakugou and Kirishima chuckle, "I'm plenty mature I'm so mature I could handle Eri for one night a week. It would be like a girls night. She can't be stuck around guys all the time she needs a girl to look up to" he looks at me sternly, "and to do her hair" i whisper to him. He rolls his eyes, "if you and Mirio figure something out I don't care." I look over to Mirio and we make a deal that I can take her on Saturdays so there's no school for me to worry about. We ask if we can help get Eri settled in but Aizawa says we have visitors. We walk back to the dorms, and wait for our guests to show up. I turn to Katsuki and he complains about his head. I laugh at him and he groans. We hear a knock on the door, it opens and we're Met by the pussy cats. Tiger turns to Katsuki and apologizes for not being able to protect him, "i already forgot about that" i turn to him looking at him sternly.  we sit back down. Midoriya thanks Koda for a letter and I look away.

They start to talk about the hero billboard charts, "your so manly wild wild pussycats" Kiri start to tear up and I laugh at him. "Dude cool it" Denki says. We all decide to watch it and turn on the TV. "Number 10 Dragoon hero: Ryukyu" Uraraka and Tsu look at eachother and cheer, "Number 9 Equipped hero: Yoroi Musha. Number 8, Laundry hero: Wash. Number 7, Kamui Woods." We all watch as the numbers go until we reach number 3, "number 3: Best jeanist" Katsuki groans and rolls his eyes, "number 2: Hawks" me and Tokoyami fist bump. Everyone looks at todoroki when Endeavor shows up. It's quiet, and very very awkward.

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